You never know... COLLEGE LIBRARY OLE ARCHIVES / For PAN FIRES on top of the stove: 1 TURN OFF HEAT. But if fire ignites nearby combustibles (or threatens to) : Try smothering flame by covering 2 fire with a pan cover. It should completely cover pan. Watch out for yourself and your clothing. © Get everyone out of the house. 3 If pan cover doesn’t work, : roe @ Close kitchen door use your fire extinguisher dsr ichenieal b to prevent the fire ( th alee aiinaaaiiae => from spreading .. . dioxide type) . % then geroat — @ ANDCALL YOUR \ —or for FIRE DEPARTMENT! OVEN JZ FIRES: ] TURN OFF HEAT. NEVER: % never risk carrying out a burning pan. % never put water on grease fires ... it will spatter and spread flames. Try smothering flame by closing oven door for a few moments. If this doesn’t work, open oven door a 2 3 crack and use your fire extinguisher ses and never iry to fight (dry chemical or carbon dioxide type) . s « Open oven door as little as possible. anything but a small fire! BUY «ui, those fire extinguishers labeled“UL” ( Underwriters’ Laboratories), aa “ULC” (Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada), “FM” (FactoryMutual), ‘These labels show theyhave beentested = _forreliability andeeffectiveness. ‘Where’s your kitchen EXTINGUISHER? ‘le WA SS Sectclbai alt — “Dry chemical orcarbondioxide extinguishers” —_ shes : . + » ¥ ~ Itshould be located where Sa NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION _ you can get it ina hurry. International : * The independent non-profit technical and educa- Know how to use extinguisher ae tional clearing house of fire safety information. 3 review the instructions occasionally. NFPA’ 60 Batterymarch St., Boston, Mass. 02110