10:00 (#) CBS REPORTS Special: “The Corporation," an inti- mate study of big business and the men who run it. Some 40 million Americans are employed in a “corpo- rate society,” says producer-reporter Juy McMuiien, “tnat inspires loyalty + + + @nforces rules, rewards and punishes.” McMullen focuses on a single corporation, filmed mostly this year. The purpose: to examine corpo- rate power, decision making, prob- lems and ethics . . . “and what it takes to rise up the corporate lad- der.” McMullen also probes the at- titudes of its executives on subjects that include conformity and regimen- tation. (60 min.) Sunday orcemser », 1973 2'O00 () WORLD PEACE AND THE MIDDLE EAST—Discussion Special: Easing tensions in the Mid- dle East was the aim of a resolution adopted by the U.S. Catholic Con- ference at its 1973 meeting. Rell- gious leaders discuss the bishops’ Proposals for peace, which included recognition of Israel’s sovereignty and its right to secure borders, and compensation to Palestinian Arabs. Rev. Robert Stephanopoulos. (69 min.) ‘Pre-empts regular Pprogramming.] —Documentary King 0! Canada ... a review of events between 1945-1948, under the leadership of Mackenzie King, who _was Prime Minister longer than any 4 ° other politician in the English or French-speaking world. Host Bruce Hutchison recalls the contributions made by C.D. Howe; the creation of the Ministry of Transport and Trans-Canada Air Lines; and the increasing American investment in Canada, King's idiosyticrasies, mysti- cism and inyomwement in the occult are discusses by Waiter Turnbull, formerly King’s secretary. (60 min.) 19:00 @® KING NEWS SPECIAL Special: “Canada Mad? At Us?” This documentary examines bullding ten- sions between Canada and the U.S. over some complex problems: politi- cal, financial and environmental. [Pre-empts regular programming.] ty hight Thursday octemeck 7, 1973. DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY a Lies vee Monday pécemser 10, 1973 10:30 @ MAN ALIVE : From visions of a heavenly Iife after death to scientific experiments with Cryogenics, man’s constant search for Immogality Is examined. Inter- viewed: Krister Stendah! of Harvard's School of Divinity. em Tuesday vecemser 11, 1973" 8:00 (3) WAR AND PEACE The gaiety of a grand bell and spirited Christmas celebrations stir up amorous emotions in Part 4 of “War and Peace.” Andrei declares his love for Natasha, whila, Nikolai and Sonya make marriage plans. (90 min.) Wednesday DECEMBER 12, 1973 $:30 GO VIEWPOINT—Sslinda Hess GW) Dr. George Szasz from UBC inter- professional education discusses sexual behaviour. (60 min.) Panelists: Father J. Bryan Hehir, the © 10:00 @ @ DAYS BEFORE YESTERDAY . ant | Pe = Goer ket) a foal Monee “ The tube’s burned out -- can you teach on your own for a few days? ”