Features CINEMA POLITICA wy a theatrical experience By Siavesh Rokni Tiea of paying over $12 for a movie that insults your intelligence? Or sitting through a cinematic experience that’s cornier than your popcorn? Or leaving the theatre feeling emptier than your wallet, despite the Nibs, chocolate, and 16-ounce soft drink in your belly? Tired of it all? Well, Cinema Politica offers films and documentaries with insightful, fresh looks at important current issues, political and otherwise. It’s a great way to awaken your mind to new perspectives— and it’s absolutely free! Cinema Politica is an organization which first began at Montreal’s Concordia University as a forum where people could gather together and watch culturally diverse, non-mainstream, and potentially controversial movies for free, and then engage in spirited discussion. Whenever possible, key speakers and other contributors would be brought in as well to further enhance the viewing/ participatory experience. Cinema Politica has since expanded 16 outside of Montreal, and today Douglas College is one of several schools across Canada willing to offer the best in thought-provoking, rarely circulated films free of charge. Rather than leaving you void of substance, the evening’s Cinema Politica offers an invigorating West campus, and the event is open to everyone: students, teachers, members of the community, friends and family from out of town, and anyone else who’d like to join in. Screenings are usually a bi-weekly event, but with so many great goal is to fill you with films and so little different perspectives, time, extra screenings new knowledge, a inema P. olitica may be added. or at least a little For more up- something to think offi ers films and to-date information about. Although the feeling is not as bad documentaries with on Cinema Politica, including how to as emptiness, you 3 . get involved, visit may still leave with a insightful 5 fresh the Cinema Politica terrible hunger...for i website (www. more! looks at important cinemapolitica.org), CP screenings 5 and click onto the have been occurring current issues.”’ Douglas College link. at Douglas since 2006. Also keep an eye open The first film of the for posters distributed new semester, No End in Sight, was shown on February 19". There will be five more films in total shown before final exams roll around in the spring. Screenings take place on Tuesdays at 4:45 pm at the New on billboards around the school that display the names of upcoming films. A Facebook CP group is currently in the works between the Douglas CP and the CP branches of UBC and the Vancouver Public Library to help facilitate those looking for more variety and easier access to CP screenings, times, and locations. So for those of you who want to feel invigorated after coming out of the movie theatre, welcome Cinema Politica into your lives! For all the documentary lovers and truth seekers, Cinema Politica beckons you! And for all you people I see hanging around the concourse and cafeteria looking bored and trying to waste time between classes or until rush hour dies down, why not go check out a movie? It’s free. With the recent news of Fidel Castro’s resignation, March’s spotlight for Douglas College’s Cinema Politica will be on Cuba, beginning with The Power of Community, How Cuba Survived Peak Oil, on March 4, at 4:45pm. See you there, and bring your opinions!