10 Other Editorials & Opinions ony eee a Define Love. Individuals have been trying to define love since, at least, 400 B.C. One continually wonders whether or not an adequate defintion or explanation exists yet. ges, seers, philosophers and poets have tried to define love and yet an understanding of love still eludes us. Even so, love has it’sown way of finding us and teaching usit’s own valuable lessons. For Valentine’s Day the Other Press would like to share some thoughts on love with you. In any pantheon gots one can always find a god whose domain is the complicated and divine matter oflove. Yet, when love is left to mere mortals, things become confused and muddled. In Western seciety, the very suggestion that men can love men and that women can love women can cause scorn, ridicule and worse. Gay and lesbian couples who walk down the streets holding hands endanger their lives. Their bravery is only shadowed by their love for each other. Life and particulary love is not easy for the bisexual, who faces antagonism from both heterosexual, and gay and lesbian communities. And while one might think that love for heterosexuals is easier ina heterosexist society, one discovers upon further examination, that even that is not a re Women must face degradation and exploitation in the affairs of love, from the way they must present themselves in order to be considered attractive, tothe way they and their needs, wants, and desires are misrepresented by a media fixated on male fantasies. Raising men with such unrealistic expectations can only hurt them as well. : Intheend, weare a society living in and with illusions because we are afraid of the truth. And without truth and honesty we can not have genuine love. Ina world of hatred, violence and oppression we all need more love. St. Valentine’s Day should be more than chocalates and roses. Inshould bea day when we allow ourselves to love ourselves and eachother. “Lastly, we entrust to you a simple recipe for love originally written by, the Taoist philosopher, Lao-Tzu. ( Spread generously. Serves many. ) Kindness in words creates confidence Kindness in thinking creates profoundness Kindness in giving creates love. douglas college's autonomous student newspaper - since 1976 ~~ February 3, 1993 TheOther Press is Douglas College'sautonomous studentnewspaper since 1976, Being autonomous means neither the Douglas College Students' Society or the College administration can tell the Other Press what to poe Only you, the students, can decide what goes in the paper by elping out. It means thatif someone doesn't like us, they can't shut your voice down for telling the truth. Wereceive our funding froma studentlevy collected from you every semester at registration, and also from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press, a cooperative of almost 50 student etree from across Canada. We adhere to CUP's Statment of Common Principles and Code of Ethics. The Other Press reserves the right not to publish anything sexist, racist, homophobic, or against the principles of good taste. Letters received by the Other Press should be a maximum of 300 words, typed, and contain the name, program of study, and student number of the writer (although the latter can be withheld upon request). The Other Press reserves the right to edit for space constraints. And double-check your spelling and grammar: letters are printed uncorrected. The collective is the final arbiter of disputes. PHONE - 525-3542 FAX - 527-5095. Staff This Issue Courtney So was headed on her Daily trip to Grandma Tara's house with a big basket of potstickers when the Irish Setter, Angus Adair, came out from behind a bush of mutant clover with his amigos: Chris MacLaren and Darren Smillie. Upon smelling the scrumtous goodies they decided to have lunch together at Tara's pad. When they arrived, lo and behold there was Terry Leonard helping to add a darkroom to Tara's house. Mike Gaylord and Toni Jones were snapping photos while Nadine Handley eagerly awaited to develop them. David Whale was nodding and smiling as Tara talked to him about how she was providing residence for S.K.I.D. members. Angela Chiotakos was chasing Tigger as he bounced around a tree. Courtney went inside the house to find Mark Foster sleeping soundly on the couch, Jane Martin busy on the phone, Tim Crumley ordering his accountant around, Byron Steadmann busily moving his stuff into a new suite, Elaine Leong playing with silly putty on the Ped comic and Brook doesn't care. Mysteriously Marion Drakos and Sean Veley were nowhere to be found. But everyone else had a hearty meal of potstickers. Oh, and that Greg guy watched it all contentedly from up in the tree. Coordinators darren smiley advertising - byrun steadman & tara arts & review > chris maclaren features -greg holtz graphics -gord belec news - tim crumley office -nadine handley photos -angela chiotakos production - elaine leong sports - mark foster editorials & opinion - marion drakos classifieds - steven so distribution brook creative the Other Press Tie charges ake: POSSESS Ion OF A RESTRICTED WEAPON, Fly without A l.cense, Ano VSE OCF A WEAPON AS To CAUSE A BREACH oF THE PEACE, VALENTINES DAY Did We Get the Message? The tragic death of Silvia Leung, has provoked a great deal of public denial. Policedenyany leads. Mr Leung denies knowing why anyone would want to hurt his daughter. The mainstream media denies havingany answers. BCIT denies having substandard security or knowing anything about a suspected “stalker” in the area. It’s time for the denial to stop. On the surface, this case looks likeone morecaseof violenceagainst women on a college campus- and I'm sure that’s how it was supposed to look. But someone figured out, and mentioned publicly, that Leung wasn’t your average student. Her father is the head of the Immigration Department in Hong Kong. The Leung house had been subjected toseveral previous attacks. The media released this information, alluded toaconnection, and then let it go. Mr. Leung, of course, denies any connection orany knowledge of why anyone would Other Letters 9.K.I.D. (Street Kids In Distress) Is a program which helps get people off thestreetsand gives thema chance anda choice of what they want todo. Most people who work 9-5 for 5 or 6 days a week try to avoid people on thestreet. They don’t wantto[accept] the fact uf existence. I mean you [accept] the fact that people actually liveon thestreets and need help, then you have to deal with the problem. Anda majority of people don’t want to know this problem exists. This attitude is called “The me, me first and only me.” (sic) Thus the original issue never gets even noticed (sic) when it really comes down to it. As long as the $ sign is around, we get worse. Our city officials refuse to want to hurt him or his family. Nice try. The politics of immigration in Hong Kong grow more bloody every year as we move closer to 1997. People will kill to get out of Hong Kongand intoB.C. before Hong Kong becomes Chinese property. Complex and powerful underground networks of organized crime and officials who have been bought off or scared off are suspected to exist, but no one _ anything openly. The risk is too high. Mr. Leung’s job is perhaps one of the most influential and consequently dangerous positionsin Hong Kong. It is entirely possible that the multiple prior attacks on the Leung household were a warning that Mr. Leung didn’t heed. Now his daughter is dead. BCIT claims that the Leungs never mentioned any threat they mightbeunder. Thisis not surprising given that they may have been intimidated into silence. Security has been tightened but it is too late for Leung. She bled to death in a dark parking lot.A deal with a lot of today’s (sic) problems and continue to back door alotof things. Andagainit’sa shame because something and /or someone always suffers for it. Anonymous Street Kid, S.K.I.D. Member & Camper Students’ Brains are Molten Oatmeal Mush Dear Fellow Douglas College Students, What's the problem with you wannabe intellectuals?! You are college students, you are supposed tobe engaged in the oe of higher education, youshould be questioning everything!!! Butno, not youapathetic squanderers of your tuition fees! human body is a pretty expensive piece of stationery. I hope that we all gotthemessage. I hope that the police get the message thatcrime, no matter how organised and powerful should be opposed. I hope that colleges and universitys across B.C. got the message that no student should be allowed to bleed to death after being stabbed in a parking lot. I hope that the rest of us get the message that something is horribly wrong with theimmigration process when people kill to leave one country and enter another. Above all I hope that we got the message that nothing like this should ever happen again and we should raise our voices in opposition to any forces which might try again. I hope these things because, I fear that Silvia Leung’s death will be little more than a message from criminals toalone man ona tightrope ofrightand wrong. Letus takeSilvia’s more important messages to heart so that will not be so. Angus Adair Do you question authority or do -youjustsuck up tothe powers thatbe because they are?! Do you express opinions in public forums or do you just eat what you're fed by whoever chooses to spoon feed you whatever garbage someone else decides you should swallow?! Do you lack minds of your own?! Obviously you do! The Other Press is your public forum--you pay for it! But do you utilize the organ at your disposal? Are your imaginations so stunned by the Simpsonsand Married WithChildren that simply writing letters and expressing views is too much for your little minds to handle?! Where are the letters that might be expected from those trulyengaged in higher education?! R.U. Real, U.T. Arts Dear reader: we want your letters Letters should be 300 words or less. The Other Press reserves the right not to publish anything racist, sexist, homophobic or war mongering. Please check your own s Opinion pieces will be corrected for grammer and spelling. Aen grammer as letters are not corrected. lease include your name and program. Anonomity can be provided if requested.. Corrections to opinion pieces will be discussed with youif a make ourself accessable (include your home and work phone numbers). Decisions of the Other Press col ective are inal in all editorial matters. Drop your stuff at our office, room 1020 (down the stairs by security).