December 12, 1986 Page 4 The Other Press Other Editorials Get off your apathy As you read this letter you’re probably thinking, “Oh God, not another letter about the SGM and the Athletics department.” Well if you did, you are partially right, ‘thus you are also partially wrong. This letter'-is about the apathy of the Douglas Col- lege population. This newspaper has been called a dirt rag and certain jocks (oops athletic department members) have made references to the “Other Inquirer’. The reason for this is our paper’s main news and ed- itorial focus has come upon the controversy of the DCSS President, Scott Nel- son, and his biased connec- tion to the athletics. The reason for our focus on that particular topic is that we as students are con- cerned for the welfare of students in general not for a certain department, for ex- ample let us say the athletic department. Since the rest of the stu- dent populace (excluding the athletic department) seems to be apathetic to- wards school politics, it has become incumbent that we at the Other Press try to educate the masses about the happenings at the col- lege and issues which affect YOU a student of any dep- artment or status. We at the O.P. (Other Press) are willing to take verbal abuse. If you note, most of the abuse toward the O.P. is from either the members of the Student Comic rebuttal Recent complaints about my involvement with “Les Autre Funnies” have made it necessary to def- end myself with an acc- ounting of the amount of time and effort which I have put into the popular page of our beloved Other Press. _ Since the beginning of the term, when I was elec- ted Graphics Coordinator, we have produced seven issues (including this one). I have spent 25 hours: laying out the fun- nies pages of the various issues. I have used $15.00 of my own money in pho- tocopying costs. 32 of my own cartoons have app- eared in seven issues. In * comparison, I have inclu- ded 28 cartoons from the Canadian University Press, 7 from Shari Hobbs, 3 from Boothby and 5 by MacPherson. My cartoons took up 2!’ pages of Les. Autre Funnies. Drawing and inking my 32 cartoons took about 85 hours; al- together I have spent about one hundred and ten hours working on the page, and a further 20 hours reading and sorting through material for the page. I do not get paid for this time....1 am a volun- teer. If you have any legit- imate things to say about the form or content of the cartoons appearing in the Other Press, write a letter or come down to the office. But don’t be gutless like the person who wrote last week and neglected to sign his name. Sincerely, Chris Brown, Your friendly grap- hics co-ordinator Society or jocks (sorry, a freudian slip). One note in closing is that we are not out to lynch Scott Nelson in particular. We are reporting the con- duct of the President of the DCSS. If you out there do not have a clue as to what I am talking about, then I rest my case concerning student apathy. If you don’t know what I am bitching about, then get off your posterior and grab the back issues of the O.P. and indulge in it. I’m sure you will find it very in- teresting. If not, then it’s your loss and the loss of the rest of the students, minus the jocks (sorry, it’s a hard habit to break). Sigma W. Auele Setting it straight It is my concern that the record be set straight con- cerning the election irreg- ularities which occured during the by-election of October 8, 1986. I, An- drew Gutteridge, was appointed as the CRO for that by-election by the DCSS. However, the Pr- esident of the Society, Mr. Scott Nelson, had gone beyond the bounds of the Constitu- tion with respect to camp- aigning for Mr. Mike Bou- chard. on the day of the by-election as well as in- terfering with my duties as the CRO. ~ (under the door) Student | Other ate Douglas College's dbehnadnenbh dete Student Newspaper The President DCSS was more concern- ed with the filling of those positions which were open at the time. Scott Nelson and Mike Bouchard were rather an- gry with me after I deci- ded to void his candidacy, due to the evidence that I had concerning Scott campaigning for Bouch- ard during the running of the by-election. After they had found out about this, they verbally harras- sed me, and at the same time stated that I had no proof; at the same time, however, they also stated that it was beyond my power as the CRO to void the candidacy of Mike Bouchard. After the votes had been counted, Scott was con- cerned if Bouchard had enough votes in order to be a UT Representative on the Senate. Jackie Klaren was also present after the votes had been counted. “You never cease to am- aze me”, she stated in a rather sarcastic manner. At that time, one could safely assume that Scott Nelson, Mike Bouchard and Jackie Klaren were in- volved in a conspiracy in- voving the control of the DCSS, with aims towards increasing funding for the athletic department. It is obvious that Scott Nel son must be impeached, since he is acting beyond, the limits of the DCSS Constitution. Andrew Gutteridge The letters submitted to the Other Press are edited only to conform to the CUP Statement of Principles and for length, otherwise they are _ printed verbatim. These letters do not neces- sarily reflect the views or opinions of the Other Press or The Publications Society.