the other press March’7, 1977. A= events CAMPUS Douglas College Maple Ridge Parks and Rec- reation, Maple Ridge Status of Women and Douglas College co-sponsor a Wednesday mor- ning series of seminars titled ‘*Women at Home’’. This series will focus on ‘*Occupation: Housewife’’ and the feelings and concerns of women at home. Small group discussions speakers to allow maximum individual participation. Five Wednesday mornings from March 9 at the Centennial Pavillion, Maple Ridge. $15 Coffee will be available. For registration info. call 463-3113. will be combined with guest - Monday Poetry Reading by Steve McCaffery 12 - 1 p.m. Surrey. Room 701. Social and Historical inform- ation of Canada 12 - 1 p.m. 4 room Complex New West cam- pus. Student Society meeting on Wednesday March 9. SFU The Simon Fraser Gallery presents an exhibition of White Sculpture of the Inuit, the first public showing of this superb private collection of ivory and bone sculpture of the Canadian Inuit. March 7-25. Simon Fraser Gallery, AQ3004, SFU. 291-4266 Simon Fraser Group Theat presents The Collected Works of Billy The kid SRN & by Michael Ondaatje _ Directed by Gordon McCall | | Studio IT Simon Fraser University | ; March2-5,9-128pm si Tickets $2 Phone 291-351 INT 4 ROD The Simon Fraser Group Theatre presents ‘‘The Collect- ed Works of Billy The Kid’’ by Michael Ondaatje, directed by Gordon McCall. March 9-12, 8 p-m. Studio II. SFU presents the new Green- peace film: “‘Voyages to Save the Whales’’, a 60 minute, colour film produced with the SFU Film Workshop. Mon., March 7; 12:30, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p-m. Images Theatre, SFU $2, $1 students. UBC Museum of Anthropology presents an exhibit of the prints and carvings of Tsmishian artist Roy Vickers continues to March 1S. 228-3825. UBC’s Womens Resource Centre looks at womens’ lives on film and video, ‘‘Equal to the Man Next to Me’’ each Thurs- _ day to March 10. Room, 301. Vancouver Public Library, 750 Burrard St., Van. Freddy Wood Theatre pre- sents ‘‘The Revengers Tra- gedy’’ by Cyril Tourneur, March 2-13, 8 p.m. $4, $2 students. For info. call 228-2678 4 ART ‘‘Trends and threads’’, a display by the Coquitlam Con- temporary Weavers will be on display at Place des Arts, 166 King Ed., Coquitlam to March 9. From March 10-23, Place des Arts will feature an exhibition of work by Betty Gendi, a talented young artist born on the Chinese mainland. The exhibition will include traditional Chinese Brush Paintings as well as drawings, and landscapes and portraits in oils. Place des Arts, 166 King Ed., Coquitlam. 526- 2891. Toronto poet, Steve McCaf- fery will read in the BAG | Lounge at 8 p.m., March 7th. Burnaby Art Gallery, 6344 Gil- pin Bby. 291-9441. The Vancouver Art Gallery presents five exhibitions: March 5-April 10: ‘Andy Warhold’’, Working in series’’ including silk-screen prints from Electric Chairs, Marilyn and Flowers; March 5-27: Canadian Paintings of the 60s and 70s; March 5-27 ‘“*Giant Saw’’ by Oldenburgb and ‘‘The Execution’’ by Segal. TEMPLETON GOLDEN YEARS COMMITTEE — 1977 is the Golden Anniversary of Templeton Secondary School. As part of our celebration, we are holding a Reunion at the school on April 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Needless to say, former students and staff are scattered from one end of the country to the other and we are trying to reach as many as possible. We would appreciate any help you could give us. UCING IN LIMITED TIME ONLY | SPECIAL. INTRODUCTORY OFFER- Both are works representative of the pop art movement of the mid-60s; March 6-April 13: “Four Places’’ ,.a juxtaposition of recent works by four Canad- ian artists; March 17-April 17: ‘European Drawings from Canadian Collections’’. Also at the Gallery a series of seminars: March 13, 2:30 - 4:30 p-m.; ‘‘At Home’? with Gathie Falk, Liz Magor and Allan Detheridge whose works are presently on display in ‘‘Four Places’’; March 18, 8 p.m.: Peggy Gale: ‘‘Canadian Video’, a half-hour illustrated lecture! followed by an hour long screening of recent work by Canadian video artists; March 20, 7:30 p.m.: Greg Curnoe: The | Rise of Regionalism-Some Thoughts on Self-Determinat- ion. Vancouver Art Gallery, 1145 W.. Georgia St., Van. 682-5621. FILM Monday Night Movies pre- sent: March 7, ‘‘Sullivans Tra- vels’’; March 14: ‘‘Santa Fe Trials’’; March 21: ‘‘Freaks’’; March 28: ‘‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’’. All films are Monday nights at 8 p.m. $1.25. VECC, 1895 Venables St., Van. 254-9578. Paani The History Book featuring the Rat, March 12 at 2 p.m. parts I-IV and March 19 at 2. p.m. parts V-VIII, $1.50 VECC, 254-9578. | CLASSIFIED Still for sale. Two E.T. Mag wheels. $50 0.b.0. Poger 594- 1994. Motorcycle for Sales 1976 Suzuki A-100 Géod eco- nomical machine $500 0.b.o. Phone Mike, at 299-9296. Wanted Ten speed biycycle - call Marilyn 876-5468. Two bedroom suite 12967A- 108th Avenue Whalley $200.00 588-4592 Ask for Mr. Quilici ECKANKAR presents a LECTURE MARCH 9 noon till 1 pm room $203