sponsored by the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce ROYAL TOWERS HOTEL MARCH 25, 1987 (Wednesday) FREE ADMISSION “BUSINESS AFTER BUSINESS”’ DISPLAYS: FREE BUSINESS COUNSELLING: aa Py oer suse one Dept. of Regional Industrial Expansion Douglas Centre for Enterprise Devel. N.W. Economic Development Assoc. Federal Business Development Bank DISPLAY HOURS ARE: 10 a.m. — 12 noon 1:30 — 4 p.m. Displays closed between 12 and 1:30 to allow booth operators to attend business luncheon LUNCHEON & KEYNOTE SPEAKER: MR. DON HUDSON, PRESIDENT VANCOUVER STOCK EXCHANGE (SAMSON ROOM) Lunch $12 — Reservations required — 521-7781 12 noon — 1:30 p.m. MAKE NEW -. MEET WITH BUSINESS y BUSINESS CONTACTS » RESOURCE COUNSELLORS FOR ESTABLISHED BUSINESS | FOR PROSPECTIVE PEOPLE } —— ENTREPRENEURS SPECUAL DRAWS: * ae cers ere soo fa eaten Other business card draws ENTREPRENEURS...YOUR COMPETITION WILL BE THERE — YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT! —$—_— — — ——————