MAD HATTER PAGE 7 JAPAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TOUR TO JAPAN MAY 22 - JUNE 20, 1982 $2,400.00 This tour offers a unique opportunity for English speaking Canadians to study . Japanese language and culture in the beautiful city of Kobe. Douglas College has made a special ar- rangement with the School of Foreign Studies of the Kobe YMCA College to pro- vide a program of language and culture study. The Kobe YMCA College has a history of more than 30 years providing Japanese language and culture programs for the non-Japanese speaking popula- tion of the international port city. Besides classroom language study and culture talks, the course offers many special features, such as residence with a Japanese family (optional) in- city field trips, weekend tours and the rare experience of staying on a small resort island in the beautiful Inland Sea where students can meet local people engaging in various traditional industries. Kobe is one of the major cities in Japan located about 600 km. west of Tokyo and close to such famous cities as Kyoto, Nara and Osaka. Kobe com bines both traditional Japanese and intemational atmospheres. Breweries of Japanese sake (rice wine) and huge shipbuilding yards are located side by side. After the four weeks in Kobe, partici- pants are free to extend their visits in Japan until their individual pre- arranged departure date from Tokyo. Hagen's Travel in Vancouver as well as the tour leader and volimteer as- sistants at the Kobe YMCA college are available to help arrange indi- vidual travel plans. PROGRAM DETAILS During the period in Kobe it is planned for students to participate in intensive daily language lessons (approximately 4 hours per day). Students will also hear talks about Japan and take part in weekday field trips to the Kobe/Osaka area. In addition to the excursion to the Yahima resort, students will take a weekend tour to the famous Himeji Castle. Optional weekend tours in the Kyoto/Nara area will also be available. Living with a host family in the Kobe area will allow direct contact with the Japanese people and culture while providing invaluable language exposure and practice. Individual students will be given a private room. Please note that residence with a host family is not required. Other arrangements may be made upon request. PRE-TOUR PREPARATION Orientation sessions for the tour will take place in March and April at Douglas College. Participants are also encouraged to register in the intro- ductory Japanese language and culture courses offered at Douglas College prior to the departure. Evening and weekend language classes begin in mid- January. Culture courses in English will take place in February. Please note that this study tour to Japan is open to all interested individuals. For detailed tour and pre-tour infor- mation, call 521-4851 loc. 321. DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARGHIVES