DOUCLAS COLLEG | 4 Se | ARCHIVES | Vocational Instructors’ Association (B.C) 250 West Pender Street, Vancouver 3, B.C. Telephone 681-8111 INFORMATION SHEET PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TIME We are requesting time be allowed within the year for every- one to return to industry and update our skills. A teacher has an obligation to the student to be aware of the latest advances in his field. College council says NO to this request. SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL Many of our instructors work a split shift (6 hours duty in a 13 hour span)--or a midnight shift and we feel that these people should be entitled to compensation. Council does not recognize any difference in unsocial shifts. STUDENT CONTACT HOURS Student contact hours vary between 25-30 hours per week. All. related duties; councelling, marking, course preparation are done in the instructors own time. We feel that this is too heavy a work load to be an effective instructor. SALARY Latest offer: 12% over 15 months (The annual equivalent is 10.6%)