November 2010 the Students’ Union saw the largest voter turnout in our history with Douglas students voting 94% in favour of a $30/month U-Pass. Congratulations! All students taking a course of at least 3 credits and paying Students’ Union fees will participate in the program. All eligable students will be automatically enroled in the program: you do not need to sign up. The Douglas Students’ Union is eager to see the U-pass implemented for students as soon as possible. The contract is in the final stages of negotiation and the College aspires to implement the program for the summer 2011 term. Hit the Button! Check out on line services also news, events & Facebook SNe LY ISARIGHT ca | 2 CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS ING THIRTY YEARS AGO, PUBLIC aS Mn LEGES AND | FUNDING MADE UP OVER 85% "OF UNIVERSITY BUDGETS. ply S WeATE TuMDS, | TODAY IT REPRESENTS JUST LRA OVER 50%. OVER THE SAME oe SO OUNESS _ PERIOD ee MORE THAN A PUBLIC SERVICE THAN QUADR elimi keep MOSS Seen education ove Le Lie FEDERATION CANADIENNE DES ETUDIANT-E-S 20