at a Prostate & Gambler research major reconstruc- tive surgery and scientists scram- bling to find answers. | The incident ‘began around la P&G test subject, jidentified only as “Jessie,” was placed in a chair jand subjected to jlayer of Nauseema icream on her face. ‘Scientists were going to monitor \Jessie’s progress ithe skin’s reaction ito the facial icleanser, but after }20 minutes they Inoticed something iwas wrong. j “We saw what ‘looked like a mist iface,” said a lresearch aide, jspeaking on the icondition of lanonymity. Her jmouth and eyes ore wide open, At horrible accident. lab has one uniden- tified female facing M1: :30pm EST yester- ey afternoon when ithe application of a for one hour to test irising from Jessie’s ibut we thought that might be because of the extra strong astringent in the formula. Then “it” happened. As the scientists watched, Jessie’s skin, then the facial mus- cles detached from her skull, and slid down her face as the new face -- cream ate its way through her tissue, leaving noth- | ing but a grinning skull and a pair of eyes staring at the group of researchers. “It was horrible,” said another scientist, thing we were ina clean room,” said the scientist. “Otherwise that young lady would be looking at a whole new face.” Jessie was rushed to a local hospital where she remains sedated as doctors: try to figure out how to put her face young woman. “It i is! absolutely horrible ,; that they would do } this to a young girl,” said Marylyn ; Manroe, head of the! People Against : SPR eee Jessie’s demise Human Testing son PAHT was started is to pre- vent cases like this by going to com- puterized testing. Big companies again speaking on the condition of anonymity. “These two eyes, just ing.” As the researchers tried to untie Jessie from the chair, the layer of Nauseema fin- ished working through her tissues and her face fell to the floor. It’s a good back on her skull. “This is a tough case,” said Head Surgeon Ed Kramer. “We’ve dealt with cut off arms, legs, heads, but never a face.” As the news of Jessie’s fate hit the mainstream media today, hundreds of anti-testing groups raised their voices in support of the have to learn that they simply can’t use humans as test subjects anymore. . Despite the growing; number of com- plaints and threats of boycott, Prostate and Gambler has remained silent. A press release issued from compa- ny head office today simply stat- i i i i i i j i i i i i i i i (PAHT). “The rea- i j i i 4 i i i i i j j i i erg ew ae |