Province of Ministry of Parliament Buildings British Columbia Advanced Education Be ack bia es mus! tu f and Job Training Canada “SKILLS FOR LIFE™ VBV 1X4 August 23, 1988 TO ALL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION TRAINING GROUP MEMBERS: Dear IETG member: We have received from a CIDA contracting firm notification of a position in Jakarta which commences in October/November, 1988. If you know any candidates whom you think might be suitable please ask them to forward their resumes to the Ministry as soon as possible. Counselling and registrar personnel may have a particular interest in this position. Position: Education Resource Center Coordinator/ Academic Counsellor Duration: 2 years Salary: $40,000 - $48,000 per annum plus CIDA benefits Desired background: graduate degree, overseas living experience, bilingual in French and English. The successful candidate will establish a resource center in Jakarta as part of CIDA's General Training Program which provides counselling and language training services to Indonesian students destined to study in Canada. The incumbent will establish the resource center, provide counselling to Indonesian students and liaise with the Canadian Bureau for International Education, which places the students in Canadian institutions. Knowledge of Canadian training institutions, the educational system in Canada and experience with foreign students will be required in this position. Please ask candidates to reply to: Art Hamilton International Education Branch Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training lst Floor - 818 Broughton Street Victoria, British Columbia V8W 1E4 Yours sincerely, 4 ; 2 2" ; (CL Henkin Art Hamilton CIDA Project Manager