Tea DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES This activity has -born fruit. As a direct result of these efforts, some 15 student jobs have been created over the past two summers, and our range of community contacts has expanded to the point where we are getting great support in such activities as the College Foundation and in applications to Federal and Provincial Governments for special Funding. The College has become recognized by both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industry and Small Business as one of a few schools in the Province that are working systematically on the creation of formal curricula in the field of entrepreneurship. We have received two major grants over the past year, which have allowed Al Atkinson's Student Services and Developmental Fducation Department, and latterly Jim Sator's department of Commerce and Business Administration, to get involved in systematic curriculum development. The latest contract, which has just been announced, came from the Ministry of Industry and Small Business, via the Business Educators Association of BoC. Pies; ii think, is an indication of the respect in which our peers are holding us as well as the support of the provincial government. On the community front, the college is now involved in New Westminster and in Coquitlam, in the development of economic strategies at the municipal level. Aside from the jobs’ that have spun off for students, it has placed us in an enviable position of easy communication with members of the business community. This relationship has in turn given us excellent support for our efforts in the area of cooperative education, and was of great assistance in obtaining for us a very substantial grant that will allow us to field an Enterprise Development Centre this year. This centre is expressly aimed at the general public - a contribution to the community, as it were, and is intended to provide assistance to members of the general public who wish to learn the things they need to know in conceptualizing and planning a business to the point of searching for finance. It is important to note that these activities will not create pressure on the Douglas College budget, as we have been funded for these externally, and in fact, the management and operation of the centre is the responsibility of a community based board of directors and an external administration. Once more, the College will be acting as a social partner, and levering its resources out into the community, to address commonly felt needs. The linkage with the Enterprise Development Centre, is through Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Programs and Services who is acting as the interim president of the Board of Directors of the Douglas Centre for Enterprise Development. Lt - will interest you to know that on the Board of Directors are represented the city government, a banking official, a major real estate developer, several small business owners, the Douglas College Board, and the New Westminster and District Labour Council. Two of the