Mad Hatter Page 6 ' ‘ Train for your first Triathlon with beginning Sunday, February 10th, 1985 Or aS an experiencaitriathlete, use | the clinic to keep you on track in your training. cycling and running and will prepare you for the Victoria Triathlon; a ' Training includes group swimming, | short-course triathlon, mid-summer. Triathlon training and events are exciting and challenging Become a "triathlete this year. Free New Westminster Y Thriathlon Clinic information lecture at the New Westminster "Y¥", 180 - 6th Street, New Westminster on Monday, February 4 at 1900 hours. Province -Wide Poetry Competition The Burnaby Writers' Society's 1985 Poetry Competition, open to all B.C. residents, is accepting submissions until April 30, 1985. Cash prizes of $100, $50 and $25 will be awarded for the best poems of 34 lines or less. There is an entry fee of $3.00 per poem. For a complete list of rules, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: | Burnaby Writers' Society 6450 Gilpin ‘St. Burnaby, B.C. VSG 273 Book Bargains {fhe Burnaby Arts Council will hold a giant sale of good used books and records on Sunday, February 3, at the Burnaby Arts Centre (6450 Gilpin St. | at Canada Way). | 1 | | | | The sale will be open in Mather House from 1100 - 1700 hours. This is your chance to stock up on your winter the New Westminster Triathlon Clinic, — gy”? * ss ' reading and listening material, at Super Y Triathlon Clinic ‘bargain basement prices. For Sale Two third row aisle seats for V.0O.A. , "Eugene Onegin". March 16, 1985. $25 each. Phone Peter Henderson 682-8290. | | | | | Photo of the Week Julie Steele Financial Aid Officer