SCR ETE SSRI AREF e ee RIN aS ERGOT A OED RY A RNOUE Tk WE DOUG Oe oe EGE «| ARCHIVES ee FOR SALE | 8-month old G.E. Dishwasher. Harvest Wheat. Portable/converttble wtth a maple eutting board top. $300.00 or best offer. (588-0742) CARPET (9' 9" X 12') Jute back. Colour: champagne. Ltke new. Clean. $100.00 (588-0742) BOYS' CLOTHING - Sizes 3-5. 25¢-$2.50 OR $10.00 for all (588-0742) FOR RENT 3-BEDROOM HOUSE on large lot wtth frutt trees and garden area. Avatl- able 15 May or 1 June -- Your chotce. Close to schools, shopping, trans- portatton. Full basement, garage, fenced yard. Appltances, drapes, carpets. $550.00/Mon. (588-0742) ab aR a eae oe TO: ALL FACULTY INTERESTED IN READING LEVEL FROM: READING/STUDY SKILLS FACULTY RE: READABILITY OF TEXTBOOKS At thts time of year, you may be examining new textbooks for use tn the fall. Following ts a quick-to- use method of determining how dtfft- cult the matertal ts you expect your students to read. SMOG GRADING FORMULA (stmpltfted) 1. Count off 10 sentences at the beginning, 10 in the middle and 10 at the end of an article. 2. Count every word of 3 or more syllables in your 30 sentences. 3. Esttmate the square root of the sum of your btg words. 4. Add 3 to the square root. Thts equals the grade level. Remember the student's abiltty to read pleasure matertal may be Grade 13 but hts instructtonal reading level would be Grade 1l. READABILITY OF TEXTBOOKS (Cont'd) In addition, you may want to consider one of Rudolph Flesch's reference charts for determining dtffteulty of matertal. Stnee reading becomes harder the longer the sentences and words, thts chart reflects those echaractertsttes. Wde. No. Typi- Est. % of in oyt/ eat. Gr, Bess Av. 100 Mag. Level Adults Sent.Words Very 8.0% Les .C 5 90 Easy Less Easy 11 Lol PE 6 86 Fairly Easy 14 169°: SE. i 80 Std. 27 147 D 8 & 75 9 Fatrly Bert. ad 155 @ 10-12 40 Diff. 26 167. #8 13-16 24 Very DE. 228. 00 Poe 5: G 4-1/2 more C-comtes; PF-pulp fiction; SF-slick fiction; D-digests; @-quality; A-academic; S-setentific; G-graduate. Your Reading/Study Skills Faculty would be happy to dtscuss wtth you, readability or other concerns you may have in related toptes. Al Atkinson Sandra Carpenter Sherry Ladbrook Be oN RS Re A The Mad Hatter its a D.C. Newsletter published bt-monthly during the summer sesston. Deadline for submission ts Thursday noon. Enqutries, please eall Liz Glase, local: 263, Surrey < Campus.