A DOUGLAS COLLEGE re OFFICE MEMO TO Staff, Supervisors, and Directors OATE:September 26/75 FROM: JOINT JOB EVALUATION COMMITTEE RE JOB EVALUATION A committee has been formed in accordance with Article 26 of the staff agreement for the purpose of studying all existing job descriptions in the baroaining unit. OUGLAS COLLEGE Lippapy The objectives of such a study are: 1. Elimination of waqe inequities. 2. To reduce the number of complaints resulting from inequitable relations of rates paid different jobs. 3. To provide accurate job data useful in hiring new employees. 4. As an aid in determining promotions and maintaining consistency in promotion. Four meetings have been held to consider the best possible method of evaluation. A job questionnaire has been designed and will be forwarded to each staff member and department head. Positive constructive suggestions concerning the evaluation study will be gratefully accepted by the Joint Committee. Direct all correspondence to the Joint Job Evaluation Committee through your Shop Steward, or the Personnel Office. To ensure the success of this study the co-operation of all parties concerned will be necessary.