“Seecccccccceseceseessessereseesessssssesesseseecesseeseseresesereseosoeecozece ARE AND CULREURE oF THE FAR EASE PRE ET Os cake os. 2 POUGEAS Cor ECE LIBRARY : : ARCH INES This an tntendubeony survey of the Siihtnndi ne art and architecture of India, South eisbeneces East Asia, China and Japan for people who are intrigued by the Far East and wish to become acquainted with Asian civilizations and their values through their highest expression - their art. -This course may also interest those planning to travel in Asian countries on business or for pleasure. It will include lectures, discussions, slides, films and music. An oriental dinner may be arranged, if Sesixed; during the course. COURSE DETAILS TIME: 7:30 - 9:30 p.m, Thursdays - starting January 22, 1976 (10 sessions) PLACE: Douglas. College; New Westminster campus room 706 FEE: $253.0"). *. 7 , INSTRUCTOR: Karin Storey KARIN STOREY is a graduate of U.B.C. with the: P anareus of B.Ed. and M.A. in art and art history. As a student she received scholarships and a graduate study grant for special study. She has studied art and culture in the Far East, including India, Thailand, Hong Kong and Japan. She has been librarian, counsellor and teaching assistant for the Vancouver School Board and has worked with the Vancouver Public Library. She is a part-time instructor at Douglas College. » Douglas College '@ CONTINUING EDUCATION ~ “sah PO BOX 2803 NEW WESTMINSTER BC ~NEW wesruaisten CAMPUS 521-485! RICHMOND CAMPUS 273-5461 SURREY CAMPUS 588:4411» ADMISSIONS 588-6404 ART AND CULTURE OF THE FAR EAST Name Phone Address °° Date Please make cheque for $25 payable to Douglas College and mail to: ADMISSIONS, Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B. C. V3L 5B2. * - ¢ Na aaa ah aD Sa aN id Rk ik ed ha aba Med Da Rad a i dhe Peete ha 2 Sta lean Pula awl ebtsachcesad elias Bees A EG a tna dct ss Shag cee