SDECIFICATION. READING New Westminster Campus 8th and McBride Boulevar PURPOSE This course is designed for estimators, suppliers, -manufacturers, construction superintendents, contractors, engineers, technicians, architects, clerks of work, inspectors and others who must read and interpret specifications. Those attending will: a) acquire the latest information on how specifications are arranged and interpreted. b) learnof the relation of specifications to various types of drawings. c) beintroduced to the implications of metric conversion on the preparation of specifications. d) understand the role of architect, engineer, consultants and others in the development of specifications. COURSE CO-ORDINATOR Mr: Horst Messer Consulting Architect Tusar, Messer, Townley, Matheson Architects & Planners . Fee: $60 TOPICS . Jan. 14 SPECIFICATION BASICS (Purpose, Types of Arrangements, Language, Cross Referencing) Jan. 21 SPECIFICATION INPUTS (Sources, Resources. Participants, Drawings, Schedules) jane 26 READING SPECIFICATIONS AS BIDDING REQUIREMENTS (Qualification, Submission, Bid Scrutiny, Pricing) Feb. 4 READING SPECIFICATIONS AS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (Agreement, Conditions, Negotiation, Payment) Feb. 11 READING SPECIFICATIONS AS CONSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONS (Assumptions, Confirmations, Approvals, Execution) Feb. 18 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS (Acts, Codes, Government Standards, Industry Standards, Manuals) Feb. 25 DEVIATION FROM NORMS (Conflicts, Abuses, Merits, Obligations, Metric Conversion Implications) Mar. 3 REVIEW FORUM (Expanded discussion on above or other topics as desired) ~ d, Rm. 308C. D Wed Jan 14- Mar 3, 1976 7 - 9:30 p.m. . SPECIFICATION READING COURSE Date Phone Name Address Please make cheque for $60 payable to Douglas College, and mail with this form to Admissions Danalse Callase Box 2503. New Westminster, B.C. V3L5B2