VICTORIA PROVINCE OF \P : "Tis 54 cow eo Shavpzili jo: 3.1974. December 18th, 1973. To: i . ° All Employer and Employee Organizations All eet Vocational Schools; and:BiC.t. 8: All M.L.A. - The Minister of Education, the Honourable E. Dailly, and the Minister of Labour, the Honcurable W. King, announced today anew direction for hiennower o - Planning aud Training in British Columbia as outtined in o ° the attached document. The new plan involves aco-operative ‘approach to the cevelopment of trainin ¢ programmes designed to meet the needs for a highly-skilled and well-trained work force. : ‘ It is our hope that this approach will greatly improve the co-ordination and delivery of Manpower Training Programmes thioughout British Columbia. We vite all interested parties to study this progyarnme and to.submiit comments to our offices. Yours very truly, ee a _— Fes ~ > ° oe ee, i i zee te ee as Sa ae E. Dailly, \. v W. Kins, en ae aes a f Education:, Ninister of Labour Tg _e 14 ; Subrm Mead = Dev Shevgil CFF ee