et suerem Coa sur- Bete Koad crusetla Ty resources, and by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum. This could be a welcome step towards reducing the environmental impact of food, and it could help roll back Earth’s Overshoot Day. Adaptation, on the other hand, is a more challenging task that involves embarking oyemelsanace ele (orets WWE has decided to co-host Food Chain Reaction—a mock stimulation or role-playing o> cUGs (come ONES November in partnership aise) organizations iitae Weta eta esr American Progress, CNA, Cargill Inc., and Mars Inc. It will bring dozens of people from around the world with professions such PY probe rmenred Coa uch scientists, and food company executives to Washington D.C., where they will deal with a “hypothetical food shortage and its side effects.” McLaughlin Fuoco wor MaetimaneRA oon uatC acorn) will be set as per the predicted and calculated conditions in 2020 in terms of population, urbanization, weather conditions etc. The players will ovuemKomel(eVm aise maatce-sinetlm(ose) by collaborating, negotiating, making decisions, confronting trade-offs, and exploring new possibilities. The situation given may be hypothetical, but the players dealing with the situation have been picked very carefully, with the organizers inviting those who are likely to have to deal with a real food Jace Stats Coe Beem aeCcmelerty future. “We might not know what the next food shortages will look like, but scientific and historical evidence tell us that they will come—and that they will be increasingly severe and prolonged,” said McLaughlin. It is clear from the previous record that Earth’s Overshoot Day is advancing every year. However, both the public and the private sector are ushering the world into an “era of responsibility” in order to roll the overshoot day back, Pee oyu pr-Vucmol but bU acm coruaels inevitable food crises when they strike our planet. The ecological footprint of each city, state, and nation can be compared to its biocapacity. hieetom CVU Coe cwebean(oumMeT-ls particular region is running an ecological deficit; thus, the region is likely to fulfill its demands by liquidating its future ecological assets and emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. According to a report published in The Guardian, China needs 2.7 times more biocapacity to support its present population. So is the case with other countries: France needs 1.4; USA, 1.9; India, 2; the U.K., 3; Egypt, 3.2; Switzerland, 3.5; Italy, 3.8; and Japan, 5.5. The total world average is 1.6. This means that it would take 1.6 Earths to meet our demands. The Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), an official partner of GFN, reported in August that “if everyone on Earth had the same life style as EOWA (osu: TowaUeRimuVeCWOMmRy (om MOLT Cel need 4.8 planets.” The task of calculating a city or state’s footprint may be the responsibility of the respective governments, but we too can plan our ecological budget at individual level. To begin with, calculate your personal ecological footprint using GFN’s online footprint calculator, which will depend on how much land area it takes to support your lifestyle, what kind of transport you use, and other variables of your daily life. Unfortunately, there is no calculator that applies to BC, so select Calgary or US on the displayed map for approximate results. This will help you know your areas of resource consumption, and reduce your ecological deficit. Awareness is an important step towards action. Some first steps are using more public transport, reducing your plastic and other non-biodegradable waste, saving water, recycling as much as possible, and, most importantly, planting trees. Do your part to prolong man’s stay on Earth, because Earth is not just a planet; it is also our home.