INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / NOVEMBER 27, 1990 ® Douglas College Completes Its First Comprehensive Review * he Unit Review System forms the heart of the Douglas College system of program and service evaluation. This self-study system was in- itiated in 1989, and is staffed by the Office of Institu- tional Research and Development. Unlike a review by an external team, this system is based within the College and the core membership of the review com- mittee consists of some people from the unit under review. The intent of unit reviews is to promote ownership by the people who will implement chan- ges, and who will live with their consequences. There are three levels of review in this system: ® the basic level or Status Review ® the intermediate level or Achievements Review ® the most thorough or Comprehensive Review. During the last year six programs or services have been reviewed. These reviews are either com- pleted or close to completion. These are: Visual Language Interpreter Training Comprehensive Developmental Studies - Maple Ridge Academic Division Administration Comprehensive Print Shop Achievement History Status Part-Time Programs in Social Services and Allied Health Status During this academic year eight additional reviews are planned. The Visual Language Interpreter Training pro- gram is the first program in the College to have been the subject of a comprehensive review. The College is grateful to the following individuals who committed time and energy to this review: Committee Chairperson Eugene Hrushowy Faculty, Child & Youth Care Counsellor Program External Members Karen Malcolm Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Donna Scoular Deaf Community Representative Eileen Edgar Jericho Hill School for the Deaf Rob Robertson Freelance Interpreter Dale Rusnell Evaluation Consultant Douglas College Members Dottie Rundles Coordinator, Visual Language Interpreter Training Program Gladys Loewen Adult Special Education Counsellor, Division of Student Services and Developmental Education Ex Officio Members Beverley Miller Director, Department of Social Services and Allied Health, Douglas College Bob Cowin Office of Institutional Research and Development, Douglas College Although this Committee directed the work of the review, a large number of stakeholders were con- sulted. These included the Deaf community, instruc- tors, former students, working interpreters, practicum site supervisors, institutions with related programs and representatives of the Ministry of Ad- vanced Education, Training and Technology. An Executive Summary of the final Report was tabled at the September 4th meeting of the College Management Committee. The report will be tabled also with the Department Education Committee and subsequently referred to the new College Education Council and then the Education and Services Subcom- mittee of the College Board. The Dean of Applied Programs will have a period of three months from the date of first tabling with College Management, to report to the Education and Services Subcommittee on actions taken or intended as a result of the review process. The entire report of the Unit Review is avail- able from the Office of Institutional Research and Development. The following is the report submitted to Manage- ment Committee on 4 September 1990. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is the Final Report of the Visual Language In- terpreter Training Program, one of 10 programs of- fered by the Department of Social Services and Allied Health. The Comprehensive Review was completed between October 1989 and May 1990 by a committee of ten people, including five from within Douglas Col- lege and five external members. Description of the Unit The VLIT program is relatively new at Douglas College; it was first offered in January, 1988. As a new program it experienced a number of continued on next page —1lli—