aia JOB OPPORTUNITIES NORTHERN LIGHTS: Principal. Application deadline, Aug. 24. ‘Contact: Chairman, Search Committee for Principal, Northern Lights College, 11401-8th St., Dawson Creek, B.C. NORTHERN LIGHTS COLLEGE: Instructor to teach first and second year university transfer Canadian and European History Courses. Application deadline, Aug. 15. Contact: Dr. Bonar Gow, Director of Academic Studies, Northern Lights College, 11401-8th St., Dawson Creek,,..B.C. CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY: Water Safety Program Co-ordinator. Application deadline, Aug. 3. Contact, the Director, Water Safety Service, Canadian Red Cross Society, .4750 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C. ASSN. OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES: Managing Editor of "College Canada" and "Journal". Must be bilingual. Contact, Executive Director Assn. of Canadian Community Colleges, 211 Consumers Rd., Suite 203, Willowdale, Ontario. The Mad Hatter is a Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the Spring and Fall semester, bi-monthly in the Summer semester, by Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster. Deadline for submissions is Thursday noon each week. For further information contact Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus, Local 283.