DOUGLAS COLLEGE requires DIRECTOR, DEPARIMENT OF BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATION This is a teaching department with 12 full-time and 11 part-time instructors. Business and administrative experience is required along with training in marketing, accounting, economics, or management. Starting date negotiable. Salary $22,000 to $26,000. Apply to Don Porter. COORDINATOR OF VISUAL AND APPLIED ARTS This is a faculty appointment, half-time to be spent in teaching and half-time coordinating five disciplines including four two-year diploma programmes. Duties include responsibility for budget and departmental curriculum committee. The incumbent will be directly responsible to the _ Director of Fine and Applied Arts. The successful applicant will have a professional background in one or more of the following: Visual arts and crafts;graphics; advertising; fashion design/clothing technology; interior design. Administrative and teaching experience is a decided asset. Starting date as soon as possible. Salary $11,850 to $21,080. pply to David Peterkin. INSTRUCTOR, VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS This is a full-time faculty appointment teaching Graphic and Communica- tion Arts in a two-year diploma programme. Duties include participation in continuous evaluation of present course offerings and an ability to update offerings, plan and develop new courses as necessary. The successful applicant will be a graphic designer with a professional background of at least eight years in the field of advertising. Teaching experience is a decided asset. Startirg date as soon as possible. Salary $11,850 to $21,080. Apply to David Peterkin. INSTRUCTORS, NURSING AND HEALTH SERVICES Tull-time and part-time positions will be established and filled over the next 10 months. Specialist training and experience in obstetrics and gynaecology, prcdiatrics, psychiatry, medicine or surgery, or in the basic areas of anatory, physiology, bacteriology or biochemistry will be required. Salary $11,650 to $21,080. Apply to Sheilah Thompson. Write Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2, telephone 604-521-4851 or telox 043-51292 for application package. Douglas Colleze is a multi-campus community college, serving 500,000 people south and east of Vancouver, B.C. It has 260 faculty and 3,900 students. hae w bd Les Te) ly) ‘ { a SEP 3 (97 | Aasstyatbits OF. — 8 6 BY: