the Otherpress Room 1020 — 700 Royal Ave. Douglas College New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 TELEPHONE: 604.525.3542 WEBSITE: EMAIL: STAFF LIST Natalie Serafini Editor-in-Chief Eric Wilkins Assistant Editor Angela Ho Business Manager Jacey Gibb Distribution Manager Mike LeMieux Layout Manager Joel McCarthy Graphics Manager Cara Seccafien Production Assistant Ed Appleby Ilustrator Jony Roy Social Media Coordinator Lauren Kelly News Editor Cheryl Minns Arts Editor M Chitwan Khosla Features Editor Brittney MacDonald Life & Style Editor Elliot Chan Opinions Editor Chandler Walter Humour Editor Staff Reporter Mercedes Deutscher Staff Writers Adam Tatelman Alex Stanton Cazzy Lewchuk Senior Columnists Jerrison Oracion Columnists Sarah Walker Contributor Duncan Fingarson KP Davis Wor one and all to the third themed issue of Volume 41: the Go Outside issue! In the following pages, we encourage you to get some new outerwear, get gardening, and generally get outta the house. There might be heat waves and droughts keeping us wishing for perma-AC, but I say save curling up inside for later. Why should you evade the comfort of four walls and opt for open air? Here are my top reasons for beating the heat by joining it. Sunscreen smells really good now: When I was a child, I loathed sunscreen. Slathering myself in a greasy lotion, that didn’t even smell good, and that was good for me? I'll take my red hot sunburns, thank you very much. Now though, I'ma sunscreen addict, alternating between the banana scents of Sun Bum, and the addicting floral notes of Hawaiian Tropic. Don’t splurge on Marc Jacobs perfume © Get foknowus! © The Other Press has been Douglas College’s student newspaper since 1976. Since 1978 we have been an autonomous publication, independent of the student union. We area registered society under the Society Act of British Columbia, governed by an eight-person board of directors appointed by our staff. Our head office is located in the New Westminster campus. © The Other Press is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected through tutition fees every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a : when slapping on some sunscreen : : does the trick and keeps you : protected. With non-greasy : formulas, you'll get your sun : protection and a dose of much- : needed moisture, too! BC is bursting with beauty: Stanley Park was voted a top park : in the world by Trip Advisor in : 2014, and by Fairmont Hotels & : Resorts just this year. Even if you : don’t want to scope out one of : the best parks in the world, there : are myriad other options. Go : ona hike in Lynn Canyon Park, : swim at Jericho Beach, or just pop : by one of your local parks fora : picnic. Pause to enjoy the scenery : that people travel miles to see— : and that we are privileged to every : : day. You can go to the mall : or movies another time: | : know, the go-to excursion is to : the mall or movies, for some : free air conditioning and not- : so-free pastimes. Listen, when : fall rolls around we're all going to be whining about the rain : and cold. Don’t be one of those : people who wastes their summer : away listening to the top pop : songs while window shopping, : or falling asleep watching some : blockbuster. You can save money: Going : for a bike ride, swimming in the : ocean, or enjoying a long walk : costs little to no money. Fun is : free, you just have to know where to find it. You can spend money: : Alternatively, you can go onan : adventure! Go camping, and : appreciate the true outdoors. : Goona trip and see what makes : another place special. If you have the money, don’t squirrel it away : when you can jet set. Eating is fun: Have your : besties over fora barbecue, : shove some delicious food in : your face, and drink some beer if : youre of age. The barbecue is a : summertime classic for a reason, : people. member ofthe Canadian University Press (CUP), a syndicate of student newspapers that includes papers from all across Canada. © The Other Pressreservestheright to choose what we will publish, and we will not publish material that is hateful, obscene, or condones or promotes illegal activities. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images used are copyright to their respective owners. You ‘Photo by Maria Asselin-Roy Dont be boring: There’s too : much to do around Vancouver : to not take advantage of it. : Vancouver gets a bad rap for being : no fun, and Ill admit to indulging : ina night in on the regular. If : youre more of a gal/guy about : town though, all you have to do is : keep an eye out for the concerts, : outdoor movies, flea markets, and : parties that make this city great. : You can easily find things to do in : Vancouver, so go do it. There you have it, dear : readers, a list of reasons to get : outside and enjoy BC. Still not : sure what to do with your time? : Read on for our writers’ best tips : and tricks for breathing in fresh : air! Hello gorgeous, Hatali Serafint Editor-in-Chief | +f