October 15, 2003 Devilishly Choppy David Lam Contributor When you approach a woman, you should exercise your mind to its fullest power. This is what I refer to as “The Game”! I hear this concept misinter- preted day in, day out, and it hounds me unforgivingly. In school, at work, and even within the white ceramics of bars and nightclubs, this ignorance echoes. I ponder, frustrated with what I hear, turning only to question myself...“Is there no hope for beings such as me?” Playing The Game slops out of every semi-literate, half-wit bearing high testosterone levels. Which, I must add, is terribly above the socially accepted limit. This overexposure has ironically had an oddly sanitizing effect on both sexes. And lest we not forget, dear readers, the focus of playing The Game is ultimate- ly SEX. In contrast, the sex I speak of delights more then your ears, since it’s not merely the erotic overload that numbs the brain and dulls the senses (sex being dragged on for hours) but mind-blowing lovemaking. And this is where beings such as myself differ on various levels. The Game needs a degree of furtiveness, the bitter-sweetness of the forbidden fruit. The Game is all about mystery and Opinions misrepresentation, delusion and hope. You disguise yourself as an object of desire, as the answer to her prayers. She’s swept out to sea on the tide of her own fevered imaginings. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Successful seductions have enslaved great minds, toppled empires, and changed world history. The ability to master the art of playing The Game is the ultimate power trip. The good news is that you don't have to look like Brad Pitt to succeed, though of course it would help. Bulging biceps and six-packs are always useful, but chivalry, charm, and the other press © calculated absences will get you further than good looks alone. And so I present to you a humble crash course in the power of genital persuasion. What you have to realize, men, is that if you are born with the capacity of a Ferrari, don’t treat it like a Citi Golf (I apolo- gize to any owners of the latter-men- tioned vehicle). You have to make the thrill of the journey the focus, not the destination. Transform yourself into a Casanova and arm yourself with a psychological edge that will essentially get you ahead in “the game”. ¢ Be unpredictable. The moment a woman knows what to expect from you, your enchantment becomes tar- nished. Keep her in suspense, then thrill her with a sud- den change in direction. -* Haunt her periphery. Begin your seduction at an indirect angle. If she learns your true intentions too soon, the chances are good her barriers will shoot up instinctively. Cultivate a relatively neutral relation- ship that will lull her into feeling secure with you. ¢ Make yourself scarce. Alternate exciting times with calculated absences. She must think about you when she’s alone. The slightest feeling of relief that you're not there and it’s over. Crowd her at your peril. Take a few steps back and let her come after you. ¢ Make like Oprah and enter her spirits. Play by her rules and indulge her every whim. Chivalry is king. Adapting to her moods gives her nothing to defend or resist. Instead, she will feel at home with you and lower her guard. ¢ Intrigue her. Lofty declarations can raise a woman's suspicions. Disarm her instead with thoughtful gifts tailored just for her. These subtle gestures show how much attention you have been paying to her. Any restraint on her part will soon be flung to the winds. ¢ Create a subtext. Never use crude language up front. Plant seeds by dropping elusive hints that will take root in her mind for hours later. Combine ambiguous or suggestive comments with alluring glances. Follow bold statements with an apology. ¢ Make your move. The moment has arrived. You can tell she clearly desires you but is not willing to admit it openly, let alone act on it. She now stands closer to you. She looks into your eyes. Overwhelm her with a bold move. Gently draw her toward you, kiss her mouth. Provided you haven't misread her signals, she is yours for the taking. However, if she slaps you in the face, it might be prudent to leave quietly and find yourself another approach. But not the same night. Go home and reflect on your strategy. * Become a man of mystery. Most men are way too _ obvious. Become more enigmatic. Stir her interests by sending mixed signals. Master the art of insinua- tion. Fire her desire. Awaken her senses by combing nonchalance with a charged sexual presence. Never force anything physical. Instead, lure her into lust. Let her believe she is seducing you. http://www.otherpress.ca e¢ Page 9