October 1, 2003 Amanda Aikman Culture Editor We've all heard the com- plaints about Vancouver. “No Fun City,” some peo- ple have been known to call it. Not me mind you, but some people. Other people. Well if October has anything to say about it, thos€ “people” are going to be eating their words right along with their pumpkin pies and assorted miniaturized Halloween goodies. September tried its darndest to get your attention with a number of excellent perform- ances from the likes of The Weakerthans, The White Stripes, Ron Sexsmith, and Def Lepperd, but still you shot him down. October don’t play that. No, October isn’t just going to sit back and let you ignore him, he’s here, he’s queer and...oh wait, that’s April. But October has plans for you, my friends, big plans, and he won't take no for an answer. Now I know what youre going to say, “But I have school work,” or “I have a job,” or “I want to spend time with my family,” or “I need to spend my money on rent and food.” Well, get over it people, it’s time you learned to prioritize. I understand that with the onslaught of quality performers arriving on Vancouver's shores this month, you might not know what to go and see. Well, if you weren't such a loser you would just go and see them all, but alas, you are. A loser I mean. (Yes this is yet anoth- er thinly veiled attempt to solicit hate mail from you, you apathetic bastards you.) So los- ‘ers, yet again, I am forced to help you out. I’m so good to you, and honestly, you know you don’t deserve it. I wouldn’t want you to overdo it however; October can be a little too much month for some beginners to handle, so I have limited my suggestions to just five shows. Take a gan- der, get yourself all gussied up, and then go put out for October. He promises he'll respect you in November. WEEN October 3, Orpheum Theatre Have you ever been to a WEEN show? They're truly something to behold. Imagine a room full of pot-smoking men in their late twenties singing along to songs about ponies puking in Rocktober their driveway. Previous Vancouver perform- ances by these loveable whackos from Pennsylvania border on legendary, at least in the chemically altered minds of those in atten- dance. Always twisted, always lively, always a good idea to inhale. MY MORNING JACKET October 8, Richard’s on Richards These guys again? This is the third time the longhaired Kentucky rockers have played Vancouver this year. I think they keep coming back hoping to see you. Every time though, when Jim James peers out into the front row from behind his wall of hair, you're never there. Don’t keep doing this to him, he’s very talented and his band has that whole lone- some, country-tinged genius thing going on, just give him a chance. GRANDADDY October 16, Commodore Ballroom Do you remember that old commercial, the one where the two hipsters in dirty denim and straw cowboy hats who are carrying walkmans bump into each other and one of them says, “You got Radiohead in my Flaming Lips!” and the other one says, “You got Flaming Lips in my Radiohead!” Well the Grandaddy, and it was delicious. GUIDED BY VOICES October 22, Commodore Ballroom Bob Pollard and the boys are back in VanCity. This band’s discography is longer than Tommy Lee’s rap sheet. Look up “prolific indie rock legends” in the dictionary and you will find a photo of GBV. While you've got it open, take a minute and look up “no fun city,” ten bucks says you won't find a photo of Vancouver. Not unless those Websters types are looking for a serious ass kicking from October. MARTIN TIELLI AND OPERATION INFINITE JUSTICE October 23, Richard’s on Richards Okay, I know, enough with the Martin Tielli already. But seriously he’s worth the fanati- cism. I dare you to come to this show and not be blown away. If you come and don’t enjoy yourself I will buy you a drink. Do you know how expensive drinks are at Richard’s? Now that’s true love. result was Culture ¢ the other press © Amanda Aikman Culture Editor Check out these latest releases while they're still warm! Movie: School of Rock Release Date: October 3 Jack Black stars as a hell-raising guitarist with delusions of grandeur. Kicked out of his band and desperate for work, he impersonates a substitute teacher and turns a class of fifth grade high-achievers into high-voltage rock and rollers. Joan Cusack portrays the principal of the private school where Black is prep- ping the kids for a Battle of the Bands. Book: The Essential Atkins for Life Kit: “Tools, Tips and Techniques for Maintaining a Low Carb Lifestyle” by Robert C. Atkins, M.D. Release Date: October 2003 Want to annoy your friends and loved ones by relentlessly telling _ them the carbohydrate content of everything they attempt to eat in your presence? Well, now you can. This book is essential read- ing if you plan to join the cult of the anti-carb Atkins folk. It comes with an inspirational CD, menu planner, recipes, and even a wallet-sized restaurant guide for those of you who want to ruin your evenings out as well. Album: Truthfully Truthfully, Joel Plaskett Release Date: October 21 With this, his third post-Thrush Hermit album, Plaskett has cre- ated a collection of thoughtful, classic-rock influenced tunes that confirm his status as one of Canada’s greatest talents. This boy knows how to rock, and he's got great hair. What else could you possibly ask for? ( This Week In a = el 10% ey, “1600 ce ws AY ua Amanda Aikman Culture Editor Oct. 7, 1986: Run D.M.C. performs and speaks to 4000 school- children at an anti-crack rally in New York City. Meanwhile at the pro-crack rally in New Jersey, there were less school kids and the music wasn’t so hot-— but the crack was excellent. Oct. 4, 1992: Singer Sinead O’Connor rips up a picture of the pope during an appearance on Saturday Night Live. In the midst of all the hoopla, the pope’s retaliatory \ attempt to spoof O’Connor in a MAD TV sketch goes virtually unnoticed. Oct. 7; 1995: Rapper Tone Loc is arrested in Los Angeles for allegedly taking $80 from a pizza parlour. He argued with the owner over a pizza and demanded his money back. Let me get this straight, Tone Loc is eating $80 pizzas while I’m reduced to dried out 99¢ pesto slices on Granville? Man, I knew I shoulda been a rap star. st http://www.otherpress.ca e Page 13