March 12, 2003 Op-Ed The International Solidarity Movement Macdonald Stainsby DSU External Relations March 1, 2003 Douglas College was host to a highly successful conference and ben- efit opposed to the current war-monger- ing in the Middle East. The benefit was to raise money for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM—Vancouver chapter). The ISM is a Palestinian-led ini- tiative to help bring Internationals from all over the world to practise non-violent direct action against the illegal Israeli Occupation of the 1967 Occupied lands. * While being a group that practises non- violent resistance, the ISM does not intend to disrupt or chastise the Palestinians who resist occupation in armed struggle as supported by International Law. Although uncritical of resistance by any of the other means, the ISM itself is a non-violent group, a peacenik brigade to use the power of the racism perpetuated by the Israeli Occupation against itself. While it is per- fectly understood that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) are allowed to murder Palestinian civilians and expect a medal for it, International citizens inside of Palestine are only allowed by Israeli law to be arrested by police, not the army (another example of the racism). This presents people of good conscience in the first world (like Canada) with a unique opportunity to engage in acts of heroism and humanitarianism rarely seen since the white students of the American North went South to sit with Blacks still reeling under the scourge of segregation. Clearly then, “separate but equal” was the MAILBAG © page 8 problem. Today in Palestine, most of the water from the Palestinian’s entire territo- ry has been diverted to recently built housing on their territory. The settlements sas they are called, are entirely illegal by international law, they are not recognized as territory of Israel. Yet they now have annexed huge waterways, totaling over 85 percent (some figures say well over 90 per- cent) of the aquifers in a region that the World Health Organization predicts will have dangerously high (as in die-of-thirst high) rates of drying up. In other words, there is nowhere near enough water for everyone, so the state of Israel has stolen the water from millions of Palestinians so that only a couple hundred thousand Jewish people will have access to water; some of the settlements have sprinkler sys- tems that keep lush green lawns long and healthy in the middle of a drought on a desert. To show how the theft of land and resources is being calculated, Ariel Sharon has recently made a promise to garner another million Jewish People from all over the world to move to Israel. There is no way this can be done with- out Ethnic Cleansing. This is where you come in. At the recent anti-war confer- ence, well known Canadian Activist and ISM member Jaggi Singh spoke about his recent foray into Palestine. One of the parts of his story he recounted that got to me was the reaction he received when he asked Palestinians why they didn’t engage in Martin Luther King or Mohandas Gandhi style non-violent resistance. Or RE: March 5 Broad’s Eye View If the Polys wished to be greeted with more than cricket sounds they needed to turn the down the volume and get over themselves. It was so loud that the audi- ence was being pushed away. Even if you were willing to be deafened, the Polys had an attitude that would send you running. “This is why we don't play colleges,” dis- dainfully spat into the microphone was the point where I had enough. To top it all off, at the end of the night two of my friends purchased their CD—one was charged $5 and the other $15. Clearly, the Polys felt they were all too wonderful to play at a college. All the free beer in the world couldn't make this college student sit through another one of their “rock star attitude,” demonstrations, brilliant music, or otherwise. —AB direct actions to confront the Occupation. The immediate reaction was deep anger, but not out of disrespect for Gandhi. The answer would come, simply: “What do you think we have been doing all this time? Going to the store and try- ing to buy food during curfew is direct action. Simply going to school is direct action.” The point raised by Jaggi next hit home. We here in Canada and the US often plan out direct actions. People who say “hey, next time the WTO (World trade Organization) comes to town we'll spend a few months planning how to shut it down,” or simply, “On this day in this place and at this time, we'll stop traffic for a couple of hours.” That's our “direct action.” However, what if you are 12 years old and want to go to class, and your classmates have already been shot to death trying that? What if you need to get water, and leaving the house you are venturing out during a 24-hour lockdown military curfew, where tanks can shell you without even being asked why by your kids? Isn’t constantly defying the curfew direct action? Isn't laughter when the power has been knocked out a direct action? Over 30 women since the beginning of this uprising (Intifada) in September 2000 have given birth at checkpoints stopping them from getting to hospitals. The IOF is cautious when internationals are there, and we accompany them. That's a direct action. People like you and I rid- ing inside the ambulances that often get _ RE: March 5 Broad’s Eye View So, the next edition of the OP comes out, and I know it’s the issue with Broad’s Eye View. So, I’m very excited...that is until I read the scolding it contained. The OP pub night was a fair amount of fun. I agree it would have been nicer to have a few more loyal DC students pres- ent, but hey, I had a blast. And it was with great anticipation that I awaited the Polys. 1 must say, I was extremely disappointed at not only their performance, but the flack I received after. The music itself was okay, but the atti- tude of these “Stars” was outrageous. | haven't had that much “whine” without cheese in years! | come from a rather old- school perspective to music, in that if you have two people diligently standing there, the other press held up without our presence. People wh want to work and harvest on their farm get attacked and shot at by racist Settlers but we can provide cover by helping the side-by-side in the fields—like America students once sat down at white-onl lunch counters with American Blacks. could go on and on with examples, but I'l close with this: The Israeli government is openly talkin about ethnic cleansing the Palestinian population when Americans divert our attention at the star of the escalated war on Iraq. They call i “Transfer.” The ISM badly needs mor people to help protect the innocent citi zens of Palestine from another tragedy. S$ my question to you is: What are you doing this Summer Check out: We provide non-violence and de-escala tion training, connections in Palestine and places to stay. You get there an decide what level you are comfortabl with helping. After World War II saw th millions of murdered Jews, Rom (Gypsies), Homosexuals, Communist and others we learned something: W must never allow the targeting of on population in such a discriminatory man ner ever again. Never Again! despite the fact that you've cranked you amps to ear-bleeding wattage, then pla your best for them and deal with it. And to continue the beating, after th concert, I went to talk to the lea singer/bass player of this dissatisfied littl trio, and ended up being told that I wa acting like an old lady, and did my simi larly deaf friend of 21 need a cane to hel us out of the building? I do have manners, meekness, and mod. “bout sharing some of thes traits out to the band! Loved the cake, continue to love th Broad, and will stay far away from th Polys! —lLynda