March 17, 1980 Vancouver (CUP)—Resi- dence fee hikes might prevent some _ student residents from returning to the University of British | Columbia next year, stu- dent and administration representatives | charged March 6. Increased living costs might put some students above the limit for Canada student loans, said awards office director Byron Hen- der. ‘‘It will have an effect on. the students getting the maximum,”’ he said. Hender said the average student will not be affected as loan awards in B.C. currently average only $2,200, well below the maximum amount’ avail- able. But he added the residence fee increases will , put a heavier financial burden on all students receiving student loans. “They’re going to end up paying back more money.”’ The UBC board of governors raised campus residence rates by nine to 16.4 per cent Feb. 4. Residence rates increased by nine per cent and meal prices increased by 23 per cent. Hender also said the increase in . living costs might prevent some stu- dents from attending UBC for the first time. He said potential students from low income families might not be able to get by on the maximum student loan available, or: might not want to borrow money at all. “General increases af- fect the student at the top and the bottom,’’ Hender said. Residence council repre- sentatives are not overly concerned with the burden of the housing increases but admit that some students might not be able to. attend university be-~ cause of the hikes. One residence’s tenants voted 70 per cent in favor of accepting higher residence fees next year in a recent survey, said Kevin Frank- The Other Press . This student, found mashing an innocent ping-pong ball was taken to Richmond court for using a vicious back-hand on a defenceless inanimate object. Residents fees hikes © prevent students from returning to UBC ham, an outgoing residence president. ‘M&M: Swe aring the night away by Rob Campbell “Just think you f— assholes paid eight bucks just to listen to us tell you all that you’re f— ass- holes.’’ If you can see the humour involved in that statement then you should have been at the Commo- dore Ballroom on Friday the 7th to witness Canada’s answer to the gutter, the / venerable McLean & Mc- | Lean. A duo whose specialty is an outrageous brand of entertainment some people might call humour. The crowd obviously did, people were to be seen laughing, | giggling and gagging on their beer all over. the place. In the eyes of this reviewer the crowd showed | ithad been entertained and |. more importantly, a crowd that had gotten their money’s worth. With only a guitar and banjo the two McLean’s f— ' and sucked their way into the hearts and souls of the | bi-partisan crowd. Songs _ like Pubic Hair and F— Ya _ brought the house to fits of uncontrollable _ laughter, rolling on the floor, and generally having a real fine time. (Personally, | think the drugs and booze also played a role but in the words of the McLeans, ‘‘Who f— cares!!!’’.) Which brings us to the warm-up act, The Rhythm and Blues All-Stars, a local ‘ band that got a response that can best be described as luke-warm. A response that was undeserved but only natu- ral from a crowd that went page three _ to hear the word c—. The R & B All-Stars played two excellent sets mixing the 60’s and 70’s into a sound that is powerful and musically interesting. Next time you see their name on a marquee and you want to dance | suggest you take them in, | will. ‘ing men after blood clotting in For women. only |[ZNS[—Manufacturers _ of contraceptive pills in Eng- land have stopped employ- a male worker began to develop breasts on the job. Birth control pill dust, which includes. female hormones, apparently -was being absorbed into wor- kers’ bodies through their hands. It resulted in the development of breasts in one man, and _ increased some younger women. Ernest Lester, personnel manager at Thomas Ker- foot, and manufacturing chemist of Ashton-Under- Lyne, says that the man who developed breasts is (quote) ‘‘quite normal now’’, although he has left the firm. The women, meanwhile, are working their six-hour shifts wear- ing ‘‘space_ suits’, e-| quipped with two-way radios so that they can talk to each other. In the future, the firm says, it will employ (in the pill section) only women over 45 who have passed through menopause and have no history of varicose veins. Premartial sex up MONTREAL (CUP)—Pre- marital sex among people in the 19 to 22 age bracket is on the rise, according to. two university professors in Quebec. Robert Gemme — and Claude Crepault, teachers in the department — of sexology at the University of Quebec at. Montreal, have estimated that by 1944, 95 per cent of young people between the ages of 19 and 22 will- have premarital sexual relations. The professors base their findings on a 1977-78 study in which they questioned several hundred unmarried French-speaking Que- becers about their attitudes towards premarital sex. | Outward Bound promises you discomfort, fatigue and risk. It may be the best offer you'll ever have. Outward Bound is a real life adven- ture, tough and demanding. We teach you skills like wilderness ski touring, camping, rock climbing, and in the ‘summer, kayaking.. \ Through these activities you learn about your potential, your relation- _ ships, but most of all about yourself. Courses year round — 9 days to 4 weeks duration, Minimum age 16 summer, 17 winter, all special equipment provided. Why not write for details? 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