INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / September 17, 1991 Faculty profile Academic Programmer Janet Knowles lvs a small but significant change. That’s how Janet Knowles sees the shift from working in the media to her new position as Academic Programmer in Community Programs & Services. “In both cases you can affect change,” says Knowles. “In the media you are reacting to events. As a programmer, you can be the catalyst to initiate change.” Before the latest round of staffing cuts, Knowles produced the CBC- Radio afternoon show in Windsor, Ontario. Born in Toronto, Knowles spent her high school years in Italy, where her father worked for the United Nations. She received her Masters in Plain Studies from the University of Regina. After that, Knowles worked as a policy analyst for the Saskatchewan government and ran her own program develop- ment company. Among many interests, Knowles is fond of folklore and music, par- ticularly folk with a satirical bent. Since moving to B.C., she’s also enjoying lots of hiking. = Entertainment 1992 Coupon Books $43.00 Help support Cariboo Hill Secondary School Band Order Now Cheques Payable to: Cariboo Hill Secondary School Christopher Davies - 421-6821 After 3:30 Wendy Davies - 527-5340 Staff profile The Douglas College Foundation’s new Alumni & Development Officer wants to increase the Alumni Association’s profile through more student par- ticipation. “I'd like to create more interest in the Alumni Association by getting more students involved,” said Alana Frymire. “Revenue is a problem for all alumni associations, so I’d like to find some more revenue-building programs, possibly some special events that are of interest to alumni.” The problem, she says, is that events like the Career Fair, although they i generate revenue, are also very labour-intensive. More people on the Alumni Board of Directors would help. Frymire graduated from SFU with a degree in business in 1989. Her background is in fundraising and development, having worked at Kamloops Inland Hospital and at Cariboo College. She was born in Rock Springs, Wyoming, and raised in Kamloops. Recently married, her favorite pas- times are skiing, playing baseball, and reading murder mysteries. @ Alana Frymire, Alumni and Development Officer