MAD HATTER HERE WE GO AGAIN! lf seems that Some members of the college administration have decided and overruled the Health and Safety Committee’s decision to have a medi- cal emergency telephone number (872-5151) at Douglas College. After nearly three years of discussion and assisting the committee by providing written documentation in support of a medical emergency number (872- 5151) my position on this matter has been cast aside by people (administr- ation) whom | feel do not have the knowledge or background to make such a decision. In the interest of public, staff and faculty safety, please call an ambulance in case of a medical emergency - 872-5151. Geraldine Murphy, R.N. CPR and First Aid Programs WELCOME Student Services & Developmental Education would like to welcome Carol Leyland, the new | Care Tutor Coor- dinator, to the department. Al Atkinson, Director, Student Services & Developmental Education THANK YOU | would like to thank all who attended the lovely wine and cheese retirement party given for me on Oct. 16, 1986. lt was wonderful seeing so many dear friends. Thank you for coming and making my last day at memorable one. Sincerely, Eileen Bowcott the college oa truly - TWO FREE FILMS On Thursday, November 20, the Douglas College Humanities Institute will be showing “Bethune”, a one hour documentary of the life of Dr. Norman Bethune. This famous Canadian physician is best known for his in- volvement in China’s struggle against the Japanese invasion preceding WWI. The film chronicles his life from his birth in 1890, through to his state funeral in China fifty years later. It is a life full of colour, idealism, and dedica- tion. And since Bethune was always at the centre of the decisive issues of his time, the story of his life is also the story of an era. “Bethune” will be preceded by “Crac”, a surrealistic history of Quebec. The two films will be shown at the Douglas College New Westminster campus in room 2203 at 1215 hours. This event is free and open to the public. INVITATION | would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to our First Annual Hawaiian Luau which will be held on November 28, 1986. The event will take place in the con- course and upper cafeteria from 1800 - 0200 hours. The bar will be opening at approximately |600 hours for those who wish to volunteer fo help set up. We intend to offer exotic drinks to patrons if it is at all possible. See the following outline of the events of the evening including the fantastic menu. We hope you can all come and volun- teers are still needed. Christopher Lirette, Treasurer, Douglas College Student Society FOR SALE Tandy 1000 computer, 2 disk drives, o 384 k, monochrome monitor. Runs all IBM programs. $1,400. obo. Blair Fisher, local 3229 Colin Carney and Dan Derkson as Charley and Jack discuss the finer points of Victorian etiquette in “Where’s Charley?”, the upcoming musical comedy being produced by the Douglas College Theatre Department from November 14th to November 22nd. a — —-