alex Committee members continued... Bob Corbett (Co-chair and Management rep.) Local 4714 Kim VanderMay (Student rep.) c/o Student Society Connie Broatch (Faculty Association rep.) Local 4227 Meetings are held monthly. Please contact your representative if you would like to: ask a question, offer advice, make a complaint, express a concern, place an item on the Committee agenda, make a formal presenta- tion to a meeting, or have access to the minutes of our meetings. We would really appreciate your contributions to our efforts. Attention All Students POST SECONDARY DAY AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE Friday, November 8, 1985 Students will have an opportunity to attend small group sessions or individual appointments with representatives from the following institutions: ULB: Room 2212 S.F Room 2219 U. Vic Room 2803 Bec. T. Room 1711 Bey. Room 1814 Kwantlen Room 1814 Small group sessions/appointments available from 1345 - 1600 hours. Students should make appointments through the Counselling Centre before November 8, in order for representatives to plan their schedules accordingly. Please contact the Counselling Centre for further information. Upcoming Events NOON AT NEW WEST Cheryl Wendland, Piano Thursday, November 7, 1985 Performance Theatre 1230 hours HUMANITIES INSTITUTE FILM SERIES Living Life Fully in Love with Leo - Leo Buscaglia. Thursday, November 7, 1985 Room 2203 POETRY READING CANCELLED The Paulette Jiles Poetry Reading scheduled for November 18, 1985 has been cancelled. Administrative Review Quarterly Report The attached report was presented to Managemet Committee, and to the College Board, during the month of October. It is reprinted for your information. If you have any questions, please check with your Dean, or with me after November 12th. Bill Day