ee oe OI PER EIT ST IT mr “NE Se ESR ae OT Se § COLLEGE LIBRA ARCHIVES JOB OPPORTUNITIES Executive Director, Association of Canadian Community Colleges: Applications to be treated in confidente, should include a curriculum vitae and should be sent to: Dr. R.A. Gordon, President, Assoc. of Canadian Community College, c/o Dawson College, 350 Selby Street, Montreal, Quebec, H3Z 1W7. GRAPHIC DESIGN INSTRUCTOR: Resume, including statements of professional and educational philosophy is required to be sent with slides and samples of work to: Tom Hudson, Dean of Instruction, Emily Carr College of Art, 249 Dunsmuire Street, Vanouver, B.C. V6B 1X2. Applications to be received by | March 31, 219/80.. GRANDE PRAIRIE REGIONAL COLLEGE, DIRECTOR, division of Liberal Studies and DIRECTOR, division of Career Studies: Enquiries and applications should be addressed to: Dr. Henry Anderson, President, Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 4C4 Tel. (403) 531-8830. SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY, Dept. of PSYCHOLOGY: Visiting Assistant Professorship for the fall semester of 1980 and the spring semester of 1981. Individuals interested in applying for this position should submit a curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to Dr. Charles Crawford, Associate Chairman, Dept. of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby. The Mad Hatter is a Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the Spring and Fall semester, bi-monthly in the Summer semester, by Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster. Deadline for submissions is Thursday noon each week. For further dnformatton contact Liz Glass, Surrey Campus, local 283.