March 3, 2008 CAMPUS HAPPENINGS By Shannon MacKay eaturing Stephen Sex n Fair utting Room Floor We at SexySex receive hundreds of questions every week by email and blog post ( Although we do our best to answer them all, there are some we opt out of responding to because of their overall ridiculousness. But please do not let these discourage you. If you have a question we'd still love to hear it—even if it is about livestock or horny siblings. Since Dr. Fairchild is away this week, I’ve gone through our question archives and pulled out the raunchiest and stupidest queries we've ever got. Here are the best parts. Enjoy! Student politician Ally MacGrotty shows off her campaign oe Sex posters for the College Board elections. “My donkey won’t stand still.” “Llike getting blow jobs from my girlfriend while she takes a dump.” “Why does my oak look like roast beef?” _ “Ts using a sil gun as foreplay too much?” -“T only fuck Republicans.” | co. «.. but I was only in the KIKK for the kicks, you know?” tf ny grandfather is well hung—does that mean “Twas s fucked i my tracheotomy hole anda little ploies went into my lungs. Am I going to get pregnant?” “I only enjoy eating out my one when she has a yeast infection.” , | of _“T found pregnant porn in a box at my papa’s ine Should I get prcenent so he will like me more: Thomas shows off his technical prowess to a group of Japanese girls on exchange at Douglas from Japan’s Chugoku Junior College. s