= REQUISITION STATIONERY SUPPLIES : unit} TOTAL } acc'T. unr | TOTAL | acc'T. pescmrerig eed QUAN. | PRICE} cost _| COVES | wut] QUAN-| PRICE] cost | CopEs .. Baw, rubber aasorted Bx PAD, ecratuh, plain, Ju 5 vO BIMLER, J sing, 2 inch capacity, vinyl na PAD, soratch, plain, 4x 6 wD Bren, 2 ring. 2 Inch copypity, vinyl BA PAD, scratch, plain, $2 8 vo DINUEM, 2 ring, index oe PAD, stamp, 4 inch, black mA BOOK, sppointment, undeted BA * stamp, @ inch, blue BA BOOK, stenographer BA PAD, stamp, 4 inch, green nA CALEIAA, pad, deok type Co | PAD, etamp, 4 inch, red BA __ CALENDAR, stand, desk type BA . PAPER, carbon, 8-1/2 x 11, black ax CARD, index, plain, 3 x $, white (100 per package) re PAPER, carbon, 8-1/2 * 14, black Bx Camm, inden, ruled, 2 x 3, white (100 per package) re PAPER, typing, bond, 8-1/2 x 11, buff 2 CARD, index, plain, 4 6, white (100 per package) * Melee: Tw. i . ian APER, tyring, bond, @-1/2 x 31, goldenrod ) CARD, index, ruled, 4 2 6, white (100 kage] - ee Mid hk? aed dates hg = PAPER, typing, bond, 8-1/2 x 11, green Bo CARD, index, plain, $ x 8, white (100 a cpatar Se ‘ ee - PAPER, typing, bond, 8-1/2 x 11, pink po CARD, index ed, Sx 8, wh y ao eeked. S's) ese Uae ~ PAPER, typing, bond, @-1/2 x 11, white Bo permeates. qeldes, W-8, 3 4.3 = PAPER, typing, bond, @-1/2 x 11, yellow Bo enhn, Taneen, guides. A-8. 4 6 = PAPER, typing, bond, 8-1/2 x 14, buff Bo ee a — 08s inhen; guides, O85, FT” " PAPER, typing, bond, 8-1/2 x 14, pink Bo CARD, index lain, 3x 3 eet) [<3 q 'e . +P per PAPER, typing, bond, 8-1/2 x 14, white BO CARD, index, quides, plain, 4 x 6 (3 per set) 7 le @ +P PAPER, typing, plain bond, Douglas College, »D CARD, index, guides, plain, $x @ (3 per set) = - @-1/2 x 11, white CwENT, adhesive or ; PAPER, typing, special bond, Dowgles College, CLIP, poper, Bulldog type, 2-1/2 wide, 3/8 capacity RA : am = - - 8-1/2 x 11, white CLIP, paper, Gem tyre. 1 inch long ax PAPER, inter-office meno, 7 x 8, white rR CLIP, paper, Gea type, 2 inches long Bx : PAPER, inter-office meso, 8-1/2 x 11, white Pp » paper, Ideal type, 1-1/2 inches long ax vn EI PAPER, 1 fice round trip meno CiIP, paper, Ideal type, 2-3/4 inches long =x —-"| PEM, Dallpoiat, black aA Gorresy. tissue and ribbon, 6-1/2 x 11 (3500's) A ‘ (yellow) “| PEM, balipod blye ma : PEM, ballpoint, green re DICTIONARY, Websters A PEM _betipotats gx ee PEM, ballpoint, red za. BNVELOPE, mailing, plain, 4 x 9, buff a — ; Bra, felt, broad tip, black EA pevtiors, wailing, vith window, Douglas College, ax es 42%, white PEM, felt, broad tip, blue ’ za - PEN, felt, broad tip, green _EA o—_— BIVELOPS, wailing, Doygies College, 4 x 9, white L3 s PEN, fett, broad tip, red RA maili las + 9m 12, white 5A é. PEN, felt, fine tig, black EA ENVELOPE, sailing, Ras College, 11 x 14, kraft BA —= PB, wailing, Douglas Cable PEN, felt, fine tip, blue ma __,_ BAVEUDOS, inter tment, 11 x 14, kraft BA VEINS, inter -Copartment n PEM, felt, fine tip, green nA BPASEA, peacil BA -| PEM, fine tip, red RA ERASER, ites (pencil type) Ba oe ,_typee, PENCIL, with eraser, 18 BA FASTENER. paper, Acco type, 2 inch capacity, BK 2-3/4 tach ‘4 PROTECTOR, sheet, 3 bole, clear aA REFILL, desk blotter, 18 x 24, green nw paper, Aces type, 2 iach capacity, = 2-2/4 inch I~ | REFILL, telephone index Ba REINFORCEMENTS, gusmed a ~___FASHEBEA, paper, hove types 2 inch eayecity. ax 372 bs RIBBON, typewriter, black carboa, Selectric mA RIBBOM, typewriter, MCST, black carbon mA PASYEMER, poper, Bildemup type, 1 inch capacity ax RIBBOW, typewriter, black cloth, Selectric EA POLDER, file, reversible, legal size BA RULER, wood, steel edge, 12 inch EA FOLDER, file, reversible, letter size SA —-] SCISSORS, 8 inch BA FOLDER, file, hanging, legal size BA STALL, finger, rubber BA FOLDER, file, hanging, letter sise cA STAMP, DATE BA ee 5 STAPLES, standard ax BABEL, oddsess (for Xerox sopying), 1 x 3, white ax STAPLES, chisel point ax _ LABEL, file folder, plain, 3 inch, white Bx. STAPLER, dard BA oa: file folder, etriped. 2 ined. dive = TAB, plastic, Oxford type, hanging file folder 2x LAAEL, file folder, striped, } inch, green Bx TAB, plastic, for hanging file folder, Wo. 16 = BEL, file folder, striped, 2 inch, red oe = . eACE, thud ax < _-_PABet,_file folder, striped, 3 inch, yellow | Bx] JaArE, adding machine (Olivetti), 2-1/2 inch no BABEL, colt-adhesive, plein, 2 x 4. white Les TAPE, adding machine (Olivetti), 3 inch, white 0 BABEL, tape-dymo, 3/8 inch, black fo [rarr, cellophane, 3/4 Inch dinpenser A LABEL, tape-dymo, 9/8 inch, dive - TAPE, cellophane, monding, 1/2 inch @ispenser mA LABEL, tependymo, 3/8 inch, red 2 TAPE, glass filament, packing, 4 inch, opaque Ro * LABRL, tope-dymo, 1/2 inch, black ler TAPE, masking, 1/2 inch, menilie Ro BABEL, tape-dymo, 1/2 inch, lve = TAPR, masking, 2/4 inch, manilis nO LABEL, tape-éywo, 1/2 inch, red RO} YRAY, deak, single KA PAD, avoounting, columnar 0) ___]rwine, cotton BA PAD, desk blotter, 16 x 24 BA . sy TOTAL COST : PAD, figuring, plain, @-1/2 x 11, white ro} , paw, figuring, ruled, @1/2 «M1, white #0 | . AUTHORIZED . SIGNATURE 1. ime voaeane PAR, Ciguring, 1/4 in ey 2 Ona wah, white ro t