Live Wires In an effort to provide you with better news coverage and put three writers out of work, The Other Press presents Live Wires, the best news stories from around the world that we could print for pennies on the dollar. Edited By Liam Britten, Humour Editor Canadian Army secures second- hand catapults from Byzantine Empire Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay announced that the government had just inked a deal with the Byzantine Empire to secure 40 second-hand catapults to upgrade the nation’s armouries. “With a range of over 300 metres and the capability to fire both lead shot or loose stone, these new catapults will finally put Canada on the same level as many other international powers,” the Minister said. “The Thracians, Spartans, Visigoths, and even the Huns will have to respect Canada’s military might now.” Although the Minister was optimistic about the future of Canada’s new medieval weaponry, the memory of Canada’s ill-fated purchase of broken-down British submarines is still fresh. MacKay said that while the new arms are needed, it was important to make sure the Byzantines were playing fair. “While the Canadian government has great faith in the honesty and integrity of his majesty and his sakellarios and strategos, we have to do our due diligence,” MacKay said. “His majesty has agreed that if the catapults are found to be in unacceptable condition, his government will surrender four galleons to Canada, loaded with spices and silks from the exotic Orient, as well as the Despotate of Epirus.” —Associated Associates Diablo III lives up to expectations of disappointed expectations With over 7 million players enjoying their newest game, and over 6 million of them completely pissed off, Blizzard Entertainment is calling their latest offering, Diablo II, a complete success. The game has been plagued by technical problems, some preventing play entirely, as well as controversy over digital rights management issues. These problems have completely vindicated the game in the eyes of most industry observers. “A game with as much anticipation and expectations associated with it like Diablo II will always disappoint the legions of nerds who stake their entire well-being on it living up to an impossible standard,” wrote PostMedia blogger Patrick O’Rourke. “But this game has just about every dork, nerd, spaz geek and career masturbator up in arms. I mean, we expected most of them would be, but this many? Didn’t see that coming. A complete triumph.” Blizzard’s next project is rumoured to be a World of Warcraft-style game adapted for the Diablo universe. Blizzard plans to release it in 2017 to increase expectations even further, and hopes to achieve 90 per cent disappointment. —QMIWIF DA ease ae eat: ew 21 Capricorn (12/22-1/19) Don’t let things bother you today. Just live in the future. That presentation that was worth 45 per cent of your final grade certainly won't matter 100 years from now. Aquarius (1/20-2/18) Find a wide-open field to frolic in today. You should also wear a white dress even if you’re a male. That way, you'll be prepared for your starring role in an old sanitary napkin commercial. Pisces (2/19-3/20) Tap into some electrifying energy today by sticking your finger in a light socket. It may be the last burst of energy you'll ever get! Aries (3/21-4/19) A stranger is just a friend you haven't met. So go ahead, pick up that hitchhiker on the side of the road! I’m sure that “Stabby the Clown” is just an affectionate nickname. Taurus (4/20-5/20) You're taking off to the stars today! Those mad scientists needed another temp agency worker for their space experiment. On the bright side, you'll meet some wisecracking robots! Gemini (5/21-6/21) Hmm. It appears that after trying my Perfectly Legitimate™ Chinese spring cure, you’ve been turned into the opposite gender. Get ready for some wacky misadventures and an ongoing romantic subplot that won’t end until the final chapter of your life. Cancer (6/22-7/22) Your words have a lot of power today. But don’t get too cocky. Another infamous person’s words had a lot of power behind them as well. That old lady that said “Where’s the Beef?” is still influencing young people’s fast food choices across the globe. Leo (7/23-8/22) It’s time to get out of the dirt. I know you think living aboveground is too mainstream, but I’ve also heard that the moles you ve been living with have been complaining about you not paying your share of the rent. Virgo (8/23-9/22) Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move. You’re playing a game of Solitaire. Libra (9/23-10/22) Today can bring anything, but just not the dry, hot sun over the Lower Mainland. Scorpio (10/23-11/21) Make sure that you do everything equally today. For every old lady you help cross the street, you'll have to push the same number of old ladies into traffic. Sagittarius (11/22-12/22) Now’s the time to stop and rest a while. Midterms won't be for another week and a bit. Try to invent a new drinking game! With files from Livia Turnbull. 21