The ‘Other News 7-Eleven conspiracy theorists demand truth Continued on pg 25...... ru yo Missed shot by Sami Salo results in entire city jumping off Canucks bandwagon By Liam Britten not being honest about what happened at 7-Eleven, and we want to know why. I hile most people accept mean, for example, the government says \ N | that 7-Eleven is a chain of that 7-Eleven sells a product called ‘cheese’ convenience stores with locations _ that is dispensed out of a hand pump at their across North Americans, many citizens in stores. Cheese does not come out of a hand Canada and the U:S. believe that 7-Eleven pump, so the government is flat-out lying to was the result of a sinister plot hatched by us.” the Bush Administration to justify going to The group believes that the government war in Iraq. made up lies about 7-Eleven so that they They call themselves “7-Eleven could launch a war with Iraq. Iraq, they point Truthers,” and they believe that 7-Eleven out, is home to the world’s second largest wasn’t just the result of a few rogue clerks, supply of Doritos, and they believe that but was instead the end result of a vast supplying these 7-Elevens with Doritos for government conspiracy. re-sale is the real reason behind the Iraq War, Douglas College recently hosted a not weapons of mass destruction as claimed. seminar hosted by the Truthers, where a slide The movement is not without its show was presented with photos and videos critics. American Senator Frank Lautenberg from the traumatic events of 7-Eleven shown (D-NJ), who served on the official ““7-Eleven for examination. Investigation Commission” says the group’s “As you can see here, we have a photo claims are preposterous. of what is allegedly a hot dog,” said local “To say the U.S. Government was Truther Greg Holtman, as he presented a involved with 7-Eleven is insulting to all photo of a hot dog under the warming lights Americans,” he told The Other Press. “Why of 7-Eleven. “As we all know, hot dogs would the government subject its own P must be heated to an internal temperature people to the horrors of 7-Eleven? We all of 72° Celsius before eating, but as you can saw what results of 7-Eleven; obesity, high see here, the warming lights allegedly used cholesterol, diarrhoea, and that’s just the to allegedly heat this alleged food are only start. No American deserves to suffer as a capable of reaching 45° Celsius. Obviously, result of 7-Eleven, but sadly, many still do to then, this food is not a hot dog, despite what this day.” the government has told us.” Douglas College will see the Truthers Holtman later spoke to The Other Press __ return in two weeks for a screening of the to explain his group’s views. controversial film Loose Change, which “We, the people, don’t deserve to be tells the story about how American citizens Raekwon the Chef wins Nobel Prize of Hip-Hop for grand unified lied to about 7-Eleven,” he said. “There is often receive incorrect change after buying theory of nasty-ass hos z instance after instance of the government products at 7-Eleven. 22 ee