[ Bier The DSU election needs a little more substance i Nikal cS The DSU m Nikala 2 : zanowski election feels opinions editor a lot like eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream. The candidates at the New West forum last Wednesday were scooping out heaping spoonfuls of bland soft serve all afternoon long— leaving students to figure that there’s got to be something more to it than that. Consider the slates—the “parties” that would-be student politicians align themselves with in order to increase their chances of getting elected. You can vote for some or all of the candidates from the reFresh slate; they want to bring students the U-Pass, renovate the DSU building and bring a Tim Horton’s to New West—or you can vote for some or all of the candidates from the Vote for Change slate which wants to bring students the U-Pass, renovate the DSU... and bring a Tim Horton’s to New West. Hmm. What a gripping choice. DSU candidates have been using the same cookie-cutter platforms for the past five years, the elected ones then accomplish next to nothing, much like the student government of this past term. Then come election time the promises that weren’t met are regurgitated in the next election round. This year both slates are going as far to package their campaign as “Change.” How stupid do they think we students are? Fresh ideas at the DSU are non- existent. Does the DSU even need to be renovated? The election is essentially a personal affair anyway; the final result will come down to which slate has more friends. The slates know this, too. Last year, the “Revitalize” slate, which has former members on both of this year’s slates, did minimal campaigning and classroom speaking and barely showed up to any of last year’s all-candidates meetings, (which, interestingly, led to a new rule for this year that makes attendance to at least one meeting mandatory). They nearly swept the election, and all without engaging a single “average student.” It’s because they had plenty of friends in the Sports Sciences department behind them—the largest voting bloc in the school. To those average students who don’t know the candidates, there is no discernable difference between them. So it’s either vote for whoever’s name you like the best or don’t vote at all. It’s pointless. Maybe the problem with engaging students is in the election process itself. Candidates are apparently not allowed to criticize each others platforms. Since they’re identical maybe there isn’t much to say. But it neuters the politics and allows contenders to say what they want without much scrutiny. Is it all in the name of creating “better global citizens?” Who knows. What I do know is that having two slates with identical views, who won’t criticize each other, running for the same position sounds like something out of a backwards banana republic. The DSU works like this: elected candidates have to put in X number of hours in their DSU office each week and attend X number of meetings. There are no “real” prescribed tasks that they absolutely have to do, so they can put in their office hours mucking around on Facebook or doing their homework, all while each getting paid hundreds of your dollars a month for it. Granted a couple candidates did phone it in last year by freshening up the DSU boards with the bog standard Canadian Federation of Students “awareness” posters they get in the mail from CFS. So at least it looked like they were working hard. Or they can do what last year’s candidates did best—throw parties. Some advice for the candidates: if we’re to resign to your cut-and-paste platform, the trick then is to explain how you intend to accomplish it. Post your blueprint for a new DSU floor plan and give us cost and time-frame estimates. That shows that you have at least thought it through. If you’re just going to say it, without a plan, then you might as well promise root beer in the drinking fountains, too. Let’s go, people; students deserve better. Join us at 47 Below for ALL your Canucks PP’ and UFO coverage _ Free Authentic canucks jersey giveaway EVERY canucks game Hone a fundraiser at 57 Below Raise up to 2000.00 in one night Poker Sundays - Join ihe IN@ No finn Texas Hold em Action Monthly Sponsorship into CPT events z for |Aopies for al! Dougias CO!eOe@ siudenis nust have student ID card Coyote Ugly on the bar Friday nights dancing on the bar 97 BLACKIE STREET NEW WESTMINSTER BC P:604.522.001 | F: 604.522.0544