-ETTITOR Degrassi High Lied To Us. Remember that scene in The Christmas Story with the kid locked up in his bathroom madly decoding Little Orphan Annie’s secret message via a 1940’s radio broadcast? Do you remember how deflated he was when the message turned out to be the corporate shill of “drink more Ovaltine’”’? On a recent aimless evening, I found myself watching an episode of “Degrassi The Next Generation - Better Hair, Same Acne” or what- evet the official uninspired moniker of the show is. My unexpected viewing of this program launched me head-on into an unwanted blast from the past that harkened me back to the Christmas Story-like disillusion I once suffered at the hand of this misleading show back in the late 80's. - Now I'll be the first to admit that in my youth, attending Degrassi seemed like it would be a good ol’ time. I wished I could jam in the Zit Remedy and partake in youthful hi-jinx with Wheels, Snake and Joey. And hot damn did I ever have a crush on Melanie Brody, a’ disorder or not, Boy did that girly slumber party go wrong that time when they told each other all of their secrets! But I digress. Youthful folly aside, there is an inherent mistruth represented on the otiginal program. Thanks to the misguided morality of this show, I grew up to believe that if a girl has sex, she will get pregnant, if you try drugs, you will fall off a bridge, if you protest anything, you're going to be arrested and if you drink and drive you will accidentally kill someone. (Compiled from the plotlines of actual episodes). Further to that last point, and based on a previous episode, you might not even get a chance to drink and drive since it’s apparently so eeey to _ get alcohol poisoning (Which then requires a rather unpleasantly presented stomach pump). In short, I learned to be scared of life thanks to this show. The faux morality imparted in each episode was so thick you could butter bread with it. Imagine my surprise when I discovered one can in point of fact get away with a heap of bad behavior without ruining your life, losing ratings and/or falling off of any bridges. - Not that I am advocating any of the above mentioned chicanery. But my point is that basic morality isn’t sorneding you need to be scared into. And I resent you Mr. Joey Jeremiah, and the kingdom of lies that filled the suburban living rooms of Degrassi Street. I see the truth now. And your latent onset male pattern baldness serves you right! Trevor Hargreaves Editor In Chief rammed ioe Make Kids Go Seas Disgruntled Poni,” OP Contributor m I the only one alarmed at the overpop- ation at the College this semester? I am ertain the number of students has directly ffected my daily life in a negative way. I see is situation as an emergency that needs to e addressed immediately. — I would like to start by explaining that y basic hygiene needs are not being met. I unable to perform my necessary bodily ctions when I want at the college. This is articularly frustrating for me, because it oes not allow me time to get water before * lass. This is due to lack of vacant facilities. I feel this is a medical hazard to my self ind others. I often find myself wondering yhat’s worse, peeing my pants in lecture, or aving that dry parched mouth. I suffer each day with trials of this ature. I’m starting to think it may be neces- bry to wear an armored suit to protect me om the endless sea of bodies that bom- ards me from each direction, as I make my yay to and from class. I get slammed and -result in gettirig my vehicle impounded. waves of bodies, I sometimes wonder if this tossed around to no end. At lunch time I am always racing to the cafeteria, trying to fight my way through the brutes, just to get a nibble of food. The sav- age beasts have always wiped the cafeteria clean. No good food is left for the slow and wounded; if I’m lucky, I get a bun. T must also make mention of the traffic. Why am I always in line to park at a school where I pay them to come inside? I am puz- zled beyond belief; how can it be that there is never a spot available to park? I have now resorted to actions that are prohibited by law. Some of which could I am not a bad person. I am patient and understanding. However, this all feels threat- ening to my well-being. I can hardly func- tion like this. While counting the endless is a scientific experiment. I need my space, food, water, and facili- ties available most of the time. That is not too much to ask. I do not want to bargain to use a com- puter in the library, but the other day I trad- ed a Snickers-for use of one, because there was not one computer unoccupied and I needed to use one. I wept a wee bit when my Snickers was not there mid-lecture. Quite frankly I have nightmares about that bank machine lineup. But worst thing about it is the order my items are dispensed back to me. It should not be money, receipt and then card; it should always be card, receipt, money! I hate that machine, and line up it creates is my arch-enemy. The point is, I’m offended, I feel violat- ed, and sometimes my feelings are hurt. I believe I have exhausted this issue but I do feel better now all this has been said.