Pei baba bo ieee Bich p ed Nak AS ak opa& I suggest a simple experiment. Every time you hear the expression “the war on drugs,” change it mentally to “the war on some drugs.” At the same time call up to mind all the Drug Stores and Bars in your town or neighborhood and all the cigarette shelves in your friendly supermarket and remember that the government has started no war against them. When you understand that we have no “war on drugs” but only a “war on some drugs,” consult the passages on double-think and duck-speak in Orwell’s “1984” for further enlightenment on neurolinguistic mindwarping. Robert Anton Wilson has been called a ‘21st century renaissance man,’ and ‘one of the most important scientific philosophers of this century’. A member of the Committee for the future called him ‘one of the leading thinkers of the modern age’. Wilson is the author of Cosmic Triggers I & 2, and the Schroedinger s Cat Trilogy, which has been referred to as ‘the most scientific of all science-fiction novels’ by New Scientist. Wilson earned his doctorate in psychology from Hawthorne University, and has over 28 books to his name. Perhaps the best known is The Illuminatus Trilogy, which he co-wrote with Robert Shea. He has also co- written a book with Timothy Leary who called him ‘one of the most important scientific philosophers of this century.’ Robert Anton Wilson has written works of poetry and has appeared as a stand-up comic. He has taught seminars at New Age centres such as the Esalen Institute, and has even appeared on a punk record called the Chocolate Biscuit Conspiracy with Golden Horde. Wilson’s books have been known to re-interpret history in innovative and brave new ways. His new works include an encyclopedia of conspiracies that is due in the spring of 1997. Robert Anton Wilson Mr. Wilson will be in Vancouver for a one night limited engage- ment at The Orpheum Theatre, November 19. Tickets are $18 and are available through TicketMaster 280-4444. by Kim ou Bank The Other Press is collecting dontations for the Toy Bank, an organization which helps those in need by providing toys and clothing for the children. Donations can be dropped off in the Other Press office, room 1020 on the New West campus or room A3107 in Coquitlam. Having a staff party? Instead of exchanging gifts, why not" exchange items that can be donated to the Toy Bank? 26 October 291996 The Other Press