The R.C.M.P. Kathy Riley You probably never sus- pected that your local | RCMP oh ti he hee re not just iron- | ing the sheets but actually utting the iron on the bed o iron every last wrinkle | out of it. And if Sarge’ flips |a quarter on the pillow and t doesn’t bounce, the bed |gets torn apart and has to lbe done over again. Makes you feel safe, doesn’t it? | Yes, in those six crucial | months when the RCMP re- cruit gets shipped off to |Regina for training, he |learns more than you or | | will ever learn—or ever want to learn. | He learns how to wax | floors and keep his boots | spit-polished. He’s taught | | to. have a certain number of hangers in his closet at all times, with one empty hanger to separate his civil ian clothes from his uni- forms. He’s taught to keep his cool when someone spits in his face or calls his wife names, and if ‘Sarge’ wants him to squat down and waddle around the bar- racks quacking like a duck, he does it. More conventional stud- ies, such as History, Crime Prevention, and Speach- making are also required. Speachmaking is especially interesting. The boys are called upon to give im- promptu speaches on con- troversial subjects such as ‘Bellybutton Lint’ or ‘Why | am so Beautiful’. If you think all of this sounds rather absurd—|! agree. In fact, most RCMP officers would probably Now...more than ever The Arsey em pee wanis you If you've ever considered a career in agree. Such gruesome training has been known to | make grown men cry, and even. the toughest Mounties | admit they wouldn’t want to go through it again. Of course, the. purpose behind such training all boils down to ‘blind obedi- ence’, an instrument used very ‘effectively by King | Frederick William | of Prus- sia in the 1700’s. Fred was known as the Sargent King | and developed one of the strongest, most respected armies in Europe. History may or may not offer a sufficient explana- tion, but you have to give the boys in blue a lot of credit. Anybody that will go through six months of train- ing, more bizarre than any fraternity initiation, de- serves respect. : The Blind leading the blind? — Td aok ae Ah Question: Do you take Drugs? Ely Popadopilus: | don’t care anymore! ! Rob the Gee Gee: No. law enforcement, now’s the time to talk to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The opportunities have never been greater. If accepted as a member of the .Farce, you'll receive intensive training in all aspects of police work. Then you’ll be posted to a detachment where there’s every chance to put your know- leds ioiaents to work. Cues opportunities are now open in: ewire-tapping red baiting ebarn burning *breaking and entering esurveillance of PC’s and other subversives *cover-ups estrikebreaking Be proud of what you're doing for yourself and for Canada as a member sone of the finest police forces in the world. Mikey MacSkinflint: Wot’s drugs? Pat Worthless: Woodstock, ‘68. there. Call or write your nearest office or use the coupon. We'd ee to tell nee een aneeee reer assecenrasnsnecnsceeusnosenenereseaseeenesseees