Wee 70K October’s weather would have to be pretty nasty to erase the memories of September’s sun-drenched splendor. For those of you who took holidays in August, we’re sorry. For those who vacated in September, congratulations, and we hope you took lots of sunscreen. Autumn is officially here... the fall equinox passed on September 21 (when day and night are of equal length). Halloween’s coming up fast, so start planning your costume now. Don’t wait until the night before whatever Halloween bash you’re going to, or like everybody else at the College, you'll end up desperately rushing to Linda Stefiuk in the Stagecraft Department. Linda, of course, will be in the middle of designing and making the costumes for the fall main stage theatre production, and while she is very talented and has worked miracles in the past, she can’t come up with costumes for all the procrastinators around here. Anyway, here are some other notes from around the College. Baby news... Wendy McKay, wife of Douglas College wrestling coach Dave, gave birth to Alison Claire (6 Ib, 13 0z) on August 28. Except for the odd night of sleep deprivation, everybody’s healthy. Susan publishes... Locutions 1s the title of English Instructor Susan McCaslin’s just- published book of poetry. The book is divided into sections of works called The Wisdom Poems, Songs of the Beloved, and The Angelology. It’s her first book of poetry, although she has published widely in literary magazines and produced several chapbooks of poetry. Susan will be reading from her work at a WomenSpeak event on November 29 in the Boardroom. Liz lucks out... Liz Wilson from Student Services won $802.80 in the Foundation’s August 60/40 draw, while $535.20 went to student aid. Melody appointed... Psychiatric Nursing Instructor Melody Hull has been appointed to the College’s program on the National Nursing Competency Project. It’s a collaborative project between registered/licensed practical nurses, registered psychiatric nurses and registered nurses, with the goal of establishing entry-level competencies and scope of practice for nursing. Bob seconded... When government ministries need to add expertise, who are they going to call? Often they call on Douglas College faculty. Bob Logelin, coordinator of the Basic Occupational Education program, is the latest -- he has been seconded for one year to the Ministry of Social Services, where he’s working as provincial coordinator of the Training and Support Services Refocus Project. It’s a revamp of day programs offered to people with mental handicaps by the Ministry. The list of faculty who have been seconded is long, and is a good reflection of the degree of expertise in Adult Education here at Douglas College, as well as quality of support services offered for programs. | Nursing on the Net We've given you lots of high-tech news in this issue of INside, so you techno-phobes out there may not want to read on...the General Nursing 12 Program is the first College department to develop a Listserv on the Internet, and it's the first of its kind in the health sciences field. It allows faculty and staff who work in nursing learning resource centres everywhere to network. There are already 17 subscriptions, including several from the US and one from the UK. Subscribers share information on how to teach skills, the latest equipment, computer software tips, and how to write grant applications. College nursing faculty and staff view and edit the information that gets posted. Thanks... The Douglas College Foundation would like to thank everyone at the College who contributed through the United Way to the following: Douglas College Alumni Association Douglas College Athletic Endowment Douglas College Childcare Douglas College Health Care & Nursing Douglas College Music Scholarships Douglas College Scholarship Fund Dreger Family Endowment Mary Johnson Endowment Fund Margaret Meagher Memorial Bursary Endowment WomenSpeak Endowment Have a great October!