INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / October 1, 1991 INSIDE Inside: Douglas every two weeks by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tiesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. WordPerfect or ASCII format would be welcome. Please contact th Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, . campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2. INFORMA TION — llege is P ished Submissions on floppy disk in = appreciated. Material may t ada Forums continued from page 1 held on Thursday, October 3, 7:30 pm at the Maple Ridge Campus (22610 Dewdney Trunk Road) Room 7. At this meeting only, all levels of education in the district will be discussed. The forum for candidates from Burnaby and New Westminster ridings will run 3 pm, October 8 in Room 0614 at Douglas College. The forum for candidates from Port Moody-Burnaby Mountain, Coquitlam-Maillardville and Port Coquitlam, will run 3 pm, October 10 in Room 0614 at Douglas College. These were the confirmed candidates at press time: Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows: Roman Evancic (Social Credit), Bill Hartley (NDP), David Pehota (Green). Tri-Cities: John Cashore (NDP/ Coquitlam-Maillardville), Bev Welsh (Social Credit/C-M), William McGuire (Liberal/CM); Ernest Jilg (Liberal, Port Coquitlam); Dr. Barb Copping (NDP/Port Moody- Burnaby Mountain), Ed Billows (Social Credit/ PM-BM). Burnaby-New Westminster: Anita Hagen (NDP/New West- minster), Joan Sawicki (NDP/Bur- naby-Willingdon), Elizabeth Smith (Green/Burnaby-Edmonds), Frank Sloan (Green, Burnaby-Willingdon), Jeanie Lytle (Burnaby-North). m College briefs BCGEU update At the September 17 B.C.G.E.U. meeting, Anne Fenton was elected as a Bargaining Committee member. She joins member Glen James and Chair Barbara Offen on the committee. The list of shop stewards and their locals is as follows: Cory Ristock, 5235; Anne Fenton, 5374; Coreen Spring, 5165; Glen James, 5252; Joni Hunter, 3007; Barb Offen, 3001; Anne Armstrong, 5165. a Annual Retirement Luncheon October 18, 1991, has been selected as the day to honour recent retirees Keith Collier, Henry Dalton, Joyce Heaton, Elizabeth Morris, and Lillian Zimmerman, and to welcome back retirees from past years. The main event is a wine and cheese party hosted by the Deans and Bursar at 3:30 pm in the Douglas Room. A warm invitation is extended to all College employees by Acting President Al Atkinson. @ Audio-Visual Equipment Delivery The A-V Department is ready to receive requests from faculty for delivery of any A-V equipment and software except audio-cassettes. People un- familiar with the system can pick up a copy of the Guidelines at the A-V counter, or can call any of the following numbers: Software Bookings, 5186; Equipment Bookings, 5187; Equipment Delivery Bookings, 5188. m Canada Savings Bonds Check your Canada Savings Bonds every October. This year, Series 39, issued in 1984, comes due November 1. These bonds will not be earning any interest after that date. You can keep that money working for you by re-investing in this year’s issue. You can also take advantage of the CSB Payroll Savings Plan here at Douglas College. = Community Coaches Conference Do you know someone who has played an important administrative role in amateur sport? Give them the credit they deserve and nominate them for the Community Sport Achievement Award. To pick up nomination forms or to register for this free coaching conference, call Chris Johnson at 5041. m Clarification... A story that appeared in the September 17 issue of INSIDE stated that Sandy Resnik of the Therapeutic Recreation program “got her start work- ing at the Richmond Lion’s Manor working with older adults. She found that therapeutic recreation wasn’t doing enough for people who needed help.” The story should have said that Resnik did her first-year practicum at Richmond Lion’s Manor. However, she became aware that people’s needs weren't being met prior to that when she worked as a nurse’s aide in another setting, where a therapeutic recreation program was not in place. The philosophy of therapeutic recreation is to meet individual leisure needs, and that’s why she entered the field. The story implied that therapeutic recreation was not meeting people’s needs at the Richmond Lion’s Manor; this is not the case, and we apologize for any misunder- standing our error may have caused. @