MAD HATTER 2 TO: FROM: BILL DAY ALL PERSONNEL RE: PERSONNEL EXCHANGES - VANCOUVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE I have received an offer from Dr. Paul Gallagher, President of Vancouver Community College, to facilitate the exchange of personnel between Douglas College and VCC - Langara, King Edward Centre, VVI, or their Administrative offices - for 1986/87. The offer is open to faculty, staff and administrators. VCC has, of course, extended this opportunity to other colleges in the Lower Mainland. In the future, | expect that similar arrangements will be possible between Douglas and these sister institutions. This is probably the beginning of many opportunities for a broadening of our individual and collective experience. Management Committee has discussed the invita- tion from VCC, and supports the concept of personnel exchanges. Pam Aitken, of the DFKA, and Marian Exmann, of the BCGEU, have also expressed support. If you are interested in having discussion initiated on your behalf, please speak to your immediate supervisor, who will work, through our Personnel office, with VCC. Bill Day COMPANY ANNUAL REPORTS Do you own any shares of Canadian or American companies which send you an annual report? Do you simply throw it out? The Library would like to increase its collection of company reports (as inexpensively as possible) and would appreciate any donations. Please send them to Corky McIntyre. Thank you. B.C. COLLEGE AND INSTITUTE LIBRARY SERVICES CLEARINGHOUSE FOR THE PRINT IMPAIRED (CILS) SERVICES FOR PRINT IMPAIRED STUDENTS IN NEED OF LEARNING MATERIALS CILS is a province-wide library service for print- impaired students attending B.C.'s provincially funded colleges and institutes. The library service is funded by the Ministry of Education, and is delivered free of charge to print impaired students. The library service provides students with text- books, study, and research materials in braille and tape formats. Print impaired students qualify for the service if they are: visually impaired, learning disabled, or are unable to use conventional print because they are physically handicapped. Services are delivered through your college library system. The services to your students include: location searching, subject searching, lending braille and tape books, registration with library agencies, production of new taped books, information on lifelong access to library services, and related library services. The services to your counsellors include: procedures for access, assistance in preparing eligibility forms, holding lists, and consultation on textbook and study resources. Contact your college librarian for more informa- tion on how to access this service. Sufficient lead time ensures greater success for your students in obtaining the learning materials they need on time. Act now, if you have print impaired students currently enrolled in academic, vocational, or continuing education courses cr anticipate having print impaired students in your classes. CILS