eo G UNITED WAY OF ae LOWER var BURNABY DIVISI 250 Willingdon Ave. June 5, 1986 Burnaby, B.C. V5C 5E9 Tel: 291-2895 Barb Mowat Douglas College Community Services Box 2503 i New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Dear Barb, I am writing to express my personal thanks for your participation on the Youth Employment Strategies Task Force and more specifically, with the Employment Skills Workshop on June 4. You were invaluable as both a workshop planner and during the event itself. Undoubtedly, your expertise and efforts were a major factor in the success of the workshop. I have enjoyed working with you on the Task Force and hope that we can still call upon you as a resource even though your position at Douglas College will have changed. Barb, the Community Services Department will be losing a highly competent and effective staff when you return to peeing” Wishing you the best of luck in the future. Sincerely, Yetta Bill Walters, Chairman iF Employment Strategies Task Force United Way - Burnaby Division cc: Mr. Jim Doer Director, Community Services Programs Douglas College