THE FOOD GARDEN This course is a condensed version of the popular GARDENING FOR FOOD course that is being given at Douglas College this spring. This is a course in methods of growing wholesome vegetables and fruit in home gardens. Organic methods are emphasized, with particular attention to special problems and advantages of local climate and soils. WHEN : Sunday, 10 a. m. - 6 p. m. May 12, 1974 WHERE : Douglas College, Richmond Campus, 745 Elmbridge (cafeteria) FEE 2 $8 COURSE DIRECTOR : Emily Oguss, M. Sc., Instructor, Gardening for Food, Douglas College COURSE CONTENT I. tT. III. IV. Introduction to growing vegetables at home. Recommended vegetable varieties. Preparing the soil for planting. How to grow: peas, beans, squash, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, turnips, radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, carrots, spinach, beets, corn, onions, and garlic. Preventing and controling pests and diseases. : Yourcquestions answered: We recommend that you bring your lunch. Coffee will be provided. Advanced registration is required. For further details, contact the Admissions Office, 588-6404. a.