Is your competition-ready? » Winning and other such nonsense from a costume competition veteran Brittney MacDonald Staff Writer H alloween is just around the corner, and with it comes the bragging rights of having an amazing costume. But what if you want more than that? What if you want that cash prize from your favourite bar or club? Making costumes that are competition-ready is no easy feat, but making yourself competition-ready is even harder. I have been making costumes and modelling my creations for conventions and photo shoots for over seven years, but I didn’t bother with competitions until around three years ago. To be honest I was intimidated by the idea of having someone judge my work. As someone who is self-taught, with no real formal training beyond YouTube and a few outdated sewing catalogues, I was always terrified people : would think my stuff just wasn’t : up to snuff. But I eventually had : to get over that, and I applied : everything I learned by simply : sitting back and listening, : and moved on to win several : competitions both locally : and in the US, resulting in : cash, nerdy swag, and gaming : consoles. So now that we’ve : established I might have : some idea of what I’m talking : about, I'll move on to let you : know how you might go about : deciding if your costume is : competition-ready—whether : it’s for a convention or just a : Halloween club crawl. Before you consider entering even the most basic : competition, you have to know : that anything store-bought just : isn’t going to do it. You might : think it'll work for that $100 : the bar is offering, but if you