Managing Editor Kerry Evans News Editor Kelly Parry Opinions Editor Kali Thurber Culture Editor Amanda Aikman Features Editor Barbara K. Adamski Sports Editor Adam “Flash” Gordon David Lam Representative Vacant Proofreader Tamara Billau Production and Graphic Design Gerard Then Graphic Design Trevor Hargreaves Photography Angela Blattmann Web Editor Dawn-Louise McLeod Advertising Manager Munir Amlani Office Manager Lynn Paus Accountant Alyona Luganskaya Columnists Follow the Rainbow J.J. McCullough Nick Hogg CF Miley Macdonald Stainsby Cartoonist J.J. McCullough Contributors Oriana Evans, Brandon Ferguson, Justin Ray New Westminster Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster V3L 5B2 Ph//604.525.3542 Fax//604.525.3505 hetp:// ©) "ther ress Mail Bag Kudos for the “Buy Nothing Day” Issue. I hope you didn’t spend your $5 in dollar stores. After all whom would you support by your $5?—Certainly not workers who manufacture trifles in China, Thailand, or everywhere else (except in Canada). Firstly you would make the storeowner richer, then the warehouse owner, and finally some Canadian or American who owns a factory abroad. Ninety-nine cents of your dollar would end up in their pockets. In my opinion, consumerism has to be curbed. People who think they are free, because they have a freedom to spend— well, are at best short-sighted. They are not free. The day-to-day pres- sures to buy enslave them—they are slaves of purchased goods. This is called “constrained” society, society that according to popular French ethnologist Marshall Sahlins suffers from two major diseases: ambition and greed. Such a society has nothing to do with the total prosperity of its members. The American type of consumerism cannot continue indefinitely. We cannot continue with the constant increase of manufac- tured goods. Not long ago, Klaus Toepfer, head of the UN Environment Program, said (giving as example China), that if the World had the same density of private cars as for example in Germany (and I am quite sure the US and Canada has not much lower density), it would have to produce a thousand millions vehicles—a target that environmentalists say the world’s supply of metal and oil would be unable to sustain. “This is the rationality of economics,” Toepfer said. If we care about other human beings, other countries, and about the World at all, we should discontinue our con- sumerism, we should allow others to enjoy future. If not—the growing number of those left behind will come and take excess from us in an unpleasant manner. Wojciech Langer, New Westminster RE: Macdonald Stainsby’s article: “What Do You Remember?” in the November 26 issue, The Other Press This would be laughably facile and shallow if it were not so full of ignorance and hate. Indeed, Mr Stainsby should seek employment with the Bush government, with a vision of good and evil so black and white. Among the many gems in his article is the passage “People of Palestine: I thank you for doing what it took many decades for the people of South Africa to do—to end the occupation of an ideology of the superior race or ethnicity, with laws based on your skin, your religion, and your background. Your resistance against nearly insurmountable odds helps us all breathe a little easier.” The “resistance,” so admired by Mr. Stainsby, includes the slaughter of children at schools, pizzerias, syna- gogues, and cafes. The bombing of buses and markets all timed to inflict maximum casualties. The inculcation of an ideology of hatred and violence through attractive advertisements and rock videos aimed at the young. The Palestinian people deserve their own country and will undoubted- ly get one when the violence beset- ting that region of the world sub- sides—not escalates as Mr. Stainsby recommends. Aubie Anisef hurder «Regime change ¢ School of the Amer ‘as * Trai Osama Bin Laden » War for oil ed Oa! ee t sore Impe rialism * Cover rt ope ations *« The e| Jepartime ndanista } ne $m. } Lesaisinatio OSCE UCTHOD i i i j i é | { i 4 i ir: ~ 63 j by ge i i it 2 LOM Lr we SPREE OT Lom 8 } i i y ey) oT i ary i te *Crimmaiizing abo l | | Rts to the rich | i Fe 7d Be oe eee wt ut i i | i OTA Le whores ® Enron sh WY rion busti rent of George W. Bich, Dick Chua civil lik rism Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, somo; Kless and the Rabid Religious Right America The Other Press is Douglas College’s and from local and national advertising rev- _ publish, and will not publish material that is autonomous student newspaper. enue. The Other Press is a member of the _ racist, sexist, or homophobic. Submissions The Other Press is run as a collective and Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooper-_ may be edited for clarity and brevity if nec- is published weekly during the fall and win- ative of student newspapers from across _ essary. ter semesters, and monthly (as a magazine) Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of All images are copyright to their respec- during the summer. Common Principles and Code of Ethics— _ tive owners. We receive our funding from a student except when it suits us not to. The Other levy collected every semester at registration, Press reserves the right to choose what to Printed by Van Press Printers Ltd. MP 2