10 bcd Press ¥ Water & (TA a SLL ¥ One, One + Den & Tivo Bedroom Condontiniuns |W Quality concrete construction Nya ee $103,900 eee ry AH suites priced under $133,900. OCS WIL? Le uta; eget aed Se .Contenporary Living int Heritage Sivle Visit OuR SALES CENTRE & DispLay Surres TODAY. Open Daily Noon - 5PM (except Fridays) 720 CARNARVON STREET * NEW WESTMINSTER CALL JIM ForbD 540-6350 November 28, 1995 are tired. Your rest won’t last es or it shouldn't! This i is an 1 excellent ‘oppornsity seek out new friends. Make a New Year’s resolution (yeah, right) and coe get some PEACE | of mind. What implications! That’s what it’s all about though. Enjoy! ee ce by Paul Andrew Aries (Mer? ano) c. is. ae for right now. You may have been = hing of some aia e artur equal. Don’t get too caught up in _ thou Taurus (Apr 20- -May 20) a cozy little text book. Don’t get too attached to it, it’ S$ 5 a tool to serve your cnet for security, truth and universal happiness. Forget about academic knowledge. The kind of wisdom you. seek can’t be found i in ogee text. Ses - rationale ¢ on a your butory instructor and s see ae Gemini (May 21-June 20) There’s still quite a bit of movement going on in your i little world and it will continue for the week of the new moon. It may bea good idea not to be so inquisitive, really! You'll find things will come to you easier that way. However, the two t’s of Sagittarius. are playing with your head. Further investigation of your soul-mate may be pesment § Don’t ask questions, ie stare at ae or rh long, long, long time. : ee Cancer (June 21-July 22) Se For the past little while youmay have had the odd request to ernie oe op out that damn number! Leo (uly 23-Aug 22) es _ Wow! toe are absolutely cxlding with confidence this week! How did y all your Christmas s shoppin _ you can say sometl