| | s Student society responsible Pubbers damage Surrey campus by Dan Hilborn ' A group of unidentified people did extensive dam- age to the Surrey campus last week during a student society sponsored pub night. Teh student society was told by administration that unless immediate change s are made to pub policy there may be no more pub nights. At a multi campus council meeting Monday night Kevin Hallgate, student society president, told coun- cil that the administration was expecting shorter hours and/or no hard liquor ser- vice at future pub nights because of the incident. Several suggestions wer made in that direction by various council members including opening pubs at 7:00 instead of 4:00 and only serving hard bar from 8:00 onward. A meeting was set for Wednesday morning Helen Casher, chairman of the Douglas College board, and mayor Jim Tonn of Coquitlam cut Volume IX Issue VII between Hallgate and ad- ministration to discuss the future of pub nights on cempus. C ist of repairing the dam- agei, which has yet to be decided, will come out of student fees because, acc- ording to Hallgate, ‘‘The privilege of holding pub night is ours and so are all of the responsibilities that go with it.” Council also mentioned that problems at pub nights the ribbon at last weeks Coquitlam campus Open House. have so far been restricted to the Surrey campus. Two security guards were hired for the night, how- ever, both assumed the pub was scheduled for Saturday, not Friday, and by the time they realized their mistake they had no means to con- tact the student society. At a pub night the week before on the New West- minster campus, someone stole an unknown amount of beer tokens. Bill Carvell, Photo by Bill Lingenfelter NAIT Nugget censored by council EDMONTON[CUP]--The student council at the Nor- thern Alberta Institute of Technology is telling stud- emts what they can read. The council has set up publications board to control what the student newspaper the Nugget, prints. The board is screening the Nugget’s mail and confiscating communication with Canadian University Press (CUP). CUP is a cooperative of Canadian student newspaper, of which the Nugget is a member. Janet Bougie, editor of the Nugget, was told by the board that she will be fired if she prints any news from the CUP news exchange package. The Nugget, as a CUP member, agrees to follow a statement of principles which prohibits printing any: sexist or racist material. It also states student papers should be free from press- ure by student governments. Last year the council for- ced the Nugget to pring sexist material, as a result, the Nugget’s CUP member- ship was jeopardized. The council disagrees with the CUP definition of sexism. ‘‘What our students con- sider sexist is not necessarily what others con- sider sexist,’’ said board chairperson Linda House. The board voted to with- draw from CUP last June because it felt restricted by CUP policies, said Hause. Bougie is opposed to leaving CUP. “‘The council simply wants to exert total control over the newspaper’’, she said. The council may face a lawsuit for breach of cont- ract with CUP and its adv- ertising affiliate, Youthstream. The Nugget is obliged to run all advertisements sent to it by Youthstream. The council has refused to run all ads. If the Nugget withdraws from CUP, the council will lose about $3000 in adv- ertising revenue. Hause said she is going:to sell local advertising, but Bougie says previous att- empts to do-so have been unsuccessful. New Westminster chairperson, estimated ab- out a quarter of a coffee tin was taken. At a meeting Wednesday morning between Kevin Hallgate and the Surrey management group it was decided that future pub nights at that campus will begin at 7:00 and if any further incidents occur pub night privileges will be sus- pended. No Snack Shack expansion By Pat Burdett The expansion of Mucha’s Snack Shack in Richmond is probably not going to take place because the restaurant staff cannot handle the extra work that would involve cleaning the extra area, Frank Zajicek, the owner of the restaurant, said that he had. originally planned the move to accomodate the extra students that use the cafeteria at lunchtime. “But I only have two people working for me and they have just enough time to clean the tables I have now. IfI got the other area I would have to hire another person.’’ He also said that there was a problem with lost plates and cups that would probably get worse with the addition of an extra room. Zajicek said that he has not abandoned the idea of expanding and might be willing to go ahead if some way could be worked out to have the students clean the area themselves. But he doubts this would happen. ‘‘I read in the newspapers that the stu- dents on the other campuses leave their cafeterias in a mess. The never clean up after they eat.’’ Inside El Salvador....pg 3 Damien Tyrrell serene PZ 9 B-52’s........pg 11