c |—6hVLE vehi ar bs cols ssault ey One can. peculate as. £6 Wl nistration at the ( ; Poi ra a 7 euch Share time Geos oe tse ass. ie Ter TORPRRGS GANG Pacheco Be ate sent tere 12 of the ma e Stet UES 5 = isl 0 eect those aoe “care from t EES oi orm on? Perhaps the most char coe ge - col mpOs fa n stration fe man main exually ed, tl nistration simply canno thize with oe AS ae ea of Pee. hich underlie their ap- es ge failure to comprehend the seriousness of the problem? How does one — explain the Bienen stay tn in eres to the Co ‘lege community fol- J Ms sexual assault on the campu ne (even afte eS, con aioe, to re se oe seepule: as theres sme “ae has _been ‘pointed aut!) Be Tu | ar ‘It would be useful if adninistration ¢ could en fghten us as ie satioste Hr eta ts If they simply do not unde is what sca at a ae tT ny | | sels e would ier ling to e ucate them. I ie they oe ae eae ‘ich make them less. than pee hs : se “assault, th they should é admit it bi rusts set a - | 6 nist jon. mths situation the ap- shane es sain wae ee aun
i wee ee - mgr ’ en and Tnade a pre ie Heatt ane safety C e | Tiege to: offer s on personal soy eet oe be : cally direct stoner nade _the p | Coo ave A bie s ident ify a nunber of factors which indeed us = that ite, one ae titutic Je to fully ara: its employees. We ci ‘increas- ue aa nature or ane New eae wie panied sosleasy acest and me 7 i women's hrooms. rumpus a ts involving ur vited males ins ara ithe. works hops di ected at | because we noted te Bs women were more at risk for a number of reasons most of ‘which ref ee D = be the sexism in our culture. We had hoped tha t the: workshops would en- 3 courage women to identify security needs as ee as: Ba some - hedge: mer a e protecti o ree ea 6 ia ey ne We s uggested to ‘him eae setulae sates 386) that fate co “ordinate aie Ai oe g no lo up See rea a tho sea i he fat Terry... sa iigy tu Hoveube io ‘lietther of these enquir wir es wa: acted on. bs a ie eyeraly Key on Pe inter eigen velopment da: fae Conmi Shins Hat the E: ee 1306 re se ege